
Vascular Disease


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Get your immigration paperwork in order with the help of and our thorough Property Inspection Report. Have faith in our knowledge and years of experience.


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New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center has built a reputation as a cardiac center of excellence in heart screening NYC for the assessment and diagnosis of patients with all forms of cardiac ailments. Top cardiology doctors in NYC offer an unrivaled service allied with state of the art equipment and heart doctors who are among the best in their fields.

What Is Cardiac Screening?
Cardiac screenings are various heart tests performed in order to discover different types of heart problems before the symptoms begin. The purpose of heart screening is to discover disease in their earliest stage when it’s still possible to treat or prevent them. Cardiovascular screening for heart disease may include tests to check your blood and other fluids, tests to discover inherited genetic markers associated with heart ailments, and imaging tests for the heart.

Today, the leading cause of death worldwide is cardiovascular disease with over 17 million deaths each year. The American Heart Association is predicting that this trend will continue to increase. In the US alone, at least one person dies every 40 seconds due to heart issues. Cardiac screening tests are designed to greatly decrease the death rate through early detection and prevention.

We use the most advanced diagnostic equipment available for cardiac screenings, diagnosis, and treatment planning.

New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center
115 East 86th Street
New York, NY 10028
(212) 860–0796

Web Address: 

Our locations on the map:  New York

Nearby Locations:
Upper East Side
Yorkville | Manhattan | Lenox Hill | Carnegie Hill | East Harlem
10028, 10075, 10128 | 10021 | 10029 | 10035

New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center
200 West 57th Street, Suite 200
New York, NY 10019
(212) 582–8006

Our locations on the map:  New York

Nearby Locations:
Hell`s Kitchen | Little Brazil | Lenox Hill | Diamond District
10019 | 10036 | 10021 | 10017

New York Cardiac Diagnostic Center
65 Broadway Suite 1806
New York, NY 10006
(212) 860–5404

Our locations on the map:  New York

Nearby Locations:
Financial District / Wall Street
World Trade Center | Two Bridges | Tribeca | Lower East Side
10007 | 10002 | 10003, 10009

Working Hours:
Monday: 8 am — 5 pm
Tuesday: 8 am — 5 pm
Wednesday: 8 am — 5 pm
Thursday: 8 am — 5 pm
Friday: 8 am — 5 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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joined 1 year, 8 months ago

Besides medicine, Dr. Narayanan enjoys music, cricket and world history and politics. He credits his father’s extraordinary sense of fairness and respect for others, and Professor Alun Davies’ inspiration for teaching, research and helping patients as his biggest influences. Dr. Narayanan’s mission is to develop accessible treatment for all as the costs of medicine have left the less privileged behind due to technology and knowledge advances in healthcare. He believes in treating patients as people with fears and hopes and not just as a collection of symptoms and x-ray films.

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joined 2 years, 10 months ago

Aadicura Hospital

Aadicura Superspeciality Hospital Vadodara

Aadicura hospital is one of the best super-specialty hospitals in Vadodara where, doctors of a world-class repute who believe in Putting Patients First , have decided to join hands to bring the best of healthcare facilities under one roof.

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Aadicura Superspeciality Hospital

Aadicura Hospital

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Aadicura Superspeciality Hospital Vadodara

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joined 5 years, 10 months ago

With double Board-certification, Dr. Khimani brings impeccable credentials to Vein Institute & Pain Centers of America. Her focus is on pain management and venous medicine. Dr. Khimani strives to improve quality of life and functional goals for patients. She accomplishes it with comprehensive, evidence-based care. Her concentration is on minimally invasive treatments for chronic venous insufficiency, and acute and chronic pain conditions.

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joined 5 years, 10 months ago

Dr. Michael Nguyen is world renowned in venous medicine. Dr. Nguyen completed his residency and advanced fellowship training at Harvard Medical School. During his tenure at Harvard, Dr. Nguyen was awarded the “Mentor of the Year” and also “Teacher of the Year” award. Dr. Michael Nguyen is board certified by the American Board of Venous and Lymphatic Medicine, a rigorous certification granted to less than 1% of doctors practicing Venous Medicine. 

Get more information about Dr. Michael Nguyen


Area of Expertise

  • Venous Medicine
  • Interventional Pain Management
  • Minimally Invasive Cosmetics
  • Training



  • Havard Medical School: Brigham and Women’s Hospital
  • University of Miami

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  • 90% of the 17m heart related deaths each year are preventable
  • Not preventing heart disease will cost US$47 trillion over the next 20 years
  • UK and US cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk calculators found to be faulty
  • Doctors play a leading role in CVD prevention
  • Doctors well equipped to diagnose and treat CVD, but ill equipped to prevent it
  • Behavioral scientists not doctors should spearhead CVD prevention strategies

Behavioral scientists not doctors will prevent CVD
Should we trust clinicians to devise and implement preventative healthcare strategies?
Behavioral experts with knowhow and experience in techniques that successfully nudge people to initiate and maintain healthy lifestyles, rather than doctors should lead chronic disease prevention strategies. Clinicians are programed to diagnose and treat according to strict guidelines, and preventing disease is not in their DNA.
What is in this commentary?
This Commentary focuses on CVD, but its message applies to any disease prevention strategy. It reviews a number of high profile CVD tools from the UK, USA and India, and found that a CVD risk calculator developed by world-renowned UK cardiologists is over engineered, and its inventors show little appreciation of the significant practical challenges associated with its implementation via UK GPs, who are in crisis. Another CVD risk calculator, which has been used extensively by British GPs since 2009 has been found to have a software glitch, which may have led to thousands of patients being misdiagnosed and wrongly treated. A similar software problem was found in a US CVD risk calculator popular among primary care doctors, which overestimated the risk of a CVD event, and led doctors to unnecessarily prescribe cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins. A more successful CVD prevention calculator has been introduced in India by a former cardiologist and healthcare entrepreneur. The calculator’s success is associated with its simplicity, accessibility, and the fact that it effectively engages and influences people’s behavior. The Commentary describes behavioral techniques, which are necessary to engage at risk people, and nudge them towards permanently adopting healthier lifestyles.
Overall our review suggests that doctors are well equipped to diagnose and treat CVD, but ill-equipped to prevent it.

An English academic approach to preventing CVD
The Joint British Societies Risk Calculator, the JBS3, was launched in 2014 as a tool for the prevention of CVD. It was the result of a collaborative effort of 11 British cardiovascular societies chaired by Professor John Deanfield, the British Heart Foundation Vandervell Professor of Cardiology at the University of London. The calculator embodies the UK’s national guidelines for the prevention of CVD, and is managed by the British Cardiovascular Society, and supported by the British Heart Foundation. Although available as an app, the calculator is designed for use by doctors and practitioners with their patients.
Unlike conventional risk assessment devices, which focus on high-risk patients, the JBS3 emphasises lifetime risk of CVD events, such as a heart attack, ischemic stroke or dying from coronary artery disease. To achieve this, the calculator’s algorithms are predicated upon a large data pool of people who have a relatively low 10-year risk of a CVD event, but who nevertheless have a high lifetime event risk.
The JBS3 allows doctors to assess a person's heart age compared with a person of the same age, gender and ethnicity with optimal risk factors. It also generates estimates of 10-year CVD risk, and average CVD event-free survival.  Results are intended to facilitate an informed discussion with patients in which doctors can show, in different graphical formats, how lifestyle modifications and other interventions, such as drug treatment, can increase a patient’s years of healthier life. Such discussions are expected to motivate patients to make lifestyle choices, which help them prevent future CVD events.
A cautionary note
Developing a risk calculator mediated by GPs is no guarantee of producing a significant reduction in the vast burden of CVD. It is too early to assess the effectiveness of the JBS3 Risk Calculator, but it appears to have underestimated the challenge associated with getting overstretched and demoralized UK primary healthcare professionals to use a new tool to engage large numbers of people at risk of CVD.
Previous Commentaries have described the UK’s primary care crisis. Over the past decade GPs’ workloads have increased significantly, as a result of the government’s decreasing investment in primary care, and the increasing prevalence of chronic multi-morbidity lifetime conditions, such as CVD. Trainee GPs are dwindling, newly trained GPs are seeking employment abroad, and increasing numbers of experienced GPs are taking early retirement. “GPs in the UK are so fatigued and overworked that they are at risk of harming patients by misdiagnosis”, says Dr. Maurine Baker, chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners.

A software glitch in a popular British CVD calculator
In May 2016 about 33% of UK doctors were instructed by the government’s Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) to warn thousands of patients that their treatment plans, developed from the results of a computer algorithm embedded in a CVD risk calculator could be wrong, and people at risk of a CVD event may have been mistakenly prescribed or denied statins.
The risk calculator, called the QRISK2, was introduced in 2009 by the IT company TPP to calculate the risk of CVD, and currently is used in some 2,500 primary care surgeries throughout the UK to help GPs to determine which patients are at risk of CVD. The calculator is embedded in another TPP product; SystmOne, which is a software system extensively used by GPs to access a single source of information, detailing a patient’s contact with the health service across a lifetime.
A faulty American CVD risk calculator
Recently, a widely recommended American risk calculator for predicting a person's chance of experiencing a CVD event was found to overestimate the actual five-year risk in adults overall, and across all socio-demographic subgroups, leading doctors to unnecessarily prescribe statins. The study, by Kaiser Permanente, was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology in May 2016.  It suggests that the incidence of heart disease over the period between 2008 and 2013 “was substantially lower than the predicted risk in each category". According to Dr Alan Go, a lead author, "Our study provides critical evidence to support recalibration of the risk equation in 'real world' populations, especially given the individual and public health implications of the widespread application of this risk calculator.”
An Indian entrepreneur’s approach to preventing CVD
Billion Hearts Beating  is an open, and easy-to-use website launched in 2010 by Dr. Prathap Reddy, an Indian cardiologist turned entrepreneur who founded the Apollo Group of hospitals, with the mission of bringing world-class affordable healthcare to India. Reddy is mindful that there are some 65m people in India with CVD, but each year only about 100,000 of these receive specialist treatment. Unsurprisingly, about 2.4 million people die each year in India from CVD related events. The Billion Hearts Beating website identifies five simple solutions for lowering the risk of CVD: (i) cessation of smoking, (ii) a healthy diet, (iii) increased physical activity, (iv) a reduction in stress, and (v) regular heart checks.
The Billion Hearts Beating campaign fares better than the British JBS3, not least because it employs a simpler way to engage at risk people directly and encourages them to follow recommended solutions to reduce their overall CVD risk. To date, over 505,000 visitors to the Indian website have used its embedded risk calculator and importantly, pledged to improve their diets and lifestyles in order to reduce their risk of CVD.  

CVD a leading silent killer
CVD is often asymptomatic, caused by atherosclerosis, and represents a family of conditions linked by common risk factors, and includes coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, peripheral arterial disease and vascular dementia. Many people who have one CVD condition commonly suffer from other related conditions.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), each year CVD accounts for more than 17.5m deaths worldwide, despite the fact that 90% are preventable. Deaths from CVD are projected to grow to some 24m by 2030. Direct and indirect costs of CVD total more than US$316.6bn. The economic costs of not preventing CVD are estimated to be US$47 trillion over the next 20 years.
CVD is the UK’s single biggest killer. There are seven million people living with CVD in the UK. Annual healthcare costs associated with CVD amount to some US$14bn, while the UK’s annual economic burden of CVD, including indirect costs from premature death and disability, is over US$20bn. About 85.6m Americans are living with CVD, which is responsible for killing over 370,000 Americans a year. By 2030, 40.5% of the US population are projected to have CVD. Between 2010 and 2030, total direct US medical costs of CVD (2008 US$) are projected to triple, from US$273bn to US$818bn. CVD is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in India, where an estimated 65m people suffer from the condition.
Despite the improvements in outcomes for CVD in the UK and US over the last 20years, it remains the major cause of morbidity and mortality in population throughout the world. More patients are surviving their first CVD event, and they remain at high risk. Further, levels of certain risk factors such as obesity, and diabetes are increasing. More focus on effective prevention is therefore required.


How “nudge” can prevent CVD
CVD prevention strategies are too important to be left to clinicians. To be successful prevention strategies have to nudge people to change their lifestyles, and this requires experts in behavioral techniques. Over the past decade behavioral scientists have revolutionized the way we encourage people to change entrenched behaviors, which are not in their interest.
It all started in 2008 with the ground-breaking publication on behavioral economics, Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth and Happiness, written by US academics Cass Sunstein and Richard Thaler. The authors argue that by simply making small changes to the way options are framed and presented to people - “choice architecture” - provides a cheap and easy way to “nudge” people to change their lifestyles without actually restricting their personal freedoms. Politicians loved the thesis, and ‘Nudge’ became compulsory reading among policy makers. President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron set up “nudge units” in the White House and 10 Downing Street to improve public services and save money by tackling previously intractable policy issues.

Small personal touches make a big difference
One of the first tasks Cameron gave the Downing Street nudge unit was to encourage more unemployed people to turn up for job interviews. The unit found that the standard impersonal written request to attend a job interview only yielded an 11% response rate.  Adding the person’s name, for example, “Hi John”, increased the response rate to 15%. But when the request was ended with a personal phrase and signed off such as, “I’ve booked you a place, Good luck, (signed) Margaret”, the response rate jumped to 27%. These small personal touches were so successful that now they are used in every job center in the UK.
Understanding human behavior is key
Under the leadership of David Halpern, the UK’s nudge unit has quadrupled in size since it was spun out of government in February 2014. Now a private company of 60 people jointly owned by its employees, the Cabinet Office, and Nesta, the nudge unit permeates almost every area of government policy, and also is working with Bloomberg Philanthropies on a US$42m project to help solve some of the biggest problems facing US cities. The UK’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has set up its own behavioral insights unit, and nudge teams are being established throughout the world in Australia, Singapore, Germany and the US.
Halpern’s unit has, among other things, signed up an extra 100,000 organ donors a year, persuaded 20% more people to consider switching energy provider, and doubled the number of army applicants. Also, it has implemented behavior change strategies that motivate individuals to initiate and maintain healthy behaviors that fit their lifestyle in approachable and convenient ways. The unit’s behavior change strategies that have demonstrated self-efficacy and self management are examples that can be incorporated into lifestyle change programs, which could help people maintain healthy habits even after a program ends, and thereby be a significant element in CVD prevention strategies.

If the UK’s nudge unit has discovered anything, it is that an understanding of human behavior is vital for almost all public policy, and this includes healthcare and CVD prevention strategies. Clinicians leading CVD prevention programs understand the disease, but they do not understand the psychology of the people with the disease. Clinicians are well equipped to diagnose and treat CVD, but ill equipped to prevent it. The sooner David Halpern is tasked with preventing CVD, the sooner the devastating personal and economic burden of CVD in the UK will be reduced.
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joined 10 years, 7 months ago

Ramesh Tripathi

Senior Consultant Vascular & Endovascular Surgeon

Prof. Ramesh Tripathi is currently the Clinical Director of Narayana Institute of Vascular Sciences at Narayana Hrudayalaya Health City, Bangalore, India.

His experience as a Consultant Vascular Surgeon spans over 19 years during which he has performed in excess of 9000 Vascular, 7000 endovascular procedures and 1400 Endovenous Laser treatments of varicose veins.

He has trained, worked, collaborated and tutored at leading Universities and hospitals internationally including USA, UK, Germany, India, Australia and New Zealand. He is credited for performing India’s first Endovascular repair of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in 1997 followed by India’s first Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm repair in 1998.

He also performed the first Implant of Medtronic Xcelerant AAA stent graft in Australia and New Zealand at Wellington Hospital, New Zealand on June 2005. He has since then performed over 900 Endovascular and hybrid repairs of Thoracic and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms.

He is the first Vascular Surgeon from India to be honored as a Distinguished Fellow of Society of Vascular Surgery. He is an internationally renowned leading opinion maker in Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, who has made significant pioneering contributions to innovative, minimally invasive and new advances in Endovascular Surgery especially in the areas of Treatment of Thoracic and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms for his innovative experimental work on in-situ fenestration of thoracic stent-grafts and Deep Venous Valve Surgery.

He is a Faculty and Speaker at many international Vascular Conferences for numerous years including VEITH Symposium, Charing Cross Symposium, European Vascular Course, ISET, American Venous Forum, Aristotle Vascular Experts’ Meeting, Australian and New Zealand Society of Vascular Surgery, Asian Society of Vascular Surgery, Sicilian Vascular Symposium, Aorta Italy, CICE Brazil, International Congress of Endovascular Interventions Arizona, New Zealand Society of Vascular Surgery and Vascular Society of India.

In India, his research interests revolve around endovascular treatments and genetics of Aortic Aneurysms, bioabsorbable Polymer stents and biology of leg ulceration. He is the Editor in Chief of Indian Journal of Vascular Surgery and a member of the editorial boards of Phlebology, Vascular Disease Management, AORTA and Venous Forum of American College of Phlebology. He reviews publications for 9 Journals.

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