
Medical Technology

  • Healthcare is flooded with diverse data from multiple sources, including imaging, genomic sequences, lifestyle factors, and clinical records
  • The volume and diversity of healthcare data pose challenges for medical practitioners and hinder the delivery of quality care
  • Relying solely on healthcare professionals to manage this diverse data is impractical
  • Multimodal AI can amalgamate, analyse, and utilise complex healthcare data, offering transformative potential across delivery systems
Transforming Healthcare with Multimodal AI

On April 1, 2024, Peter Arduini, President, and CEO of GE Healthcare, announced the acquisition of MIM Software, a leading provider of medical imaging analysis and artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in fields such as radiation oncology, molecular radiotherapy, diagnostic imaging, and urology, serving diverse healthcare settings worldwide. "We are excited to welcome MIM Software, recognised for its innovation in multimodal image analytics and workflow," said Arduini.
Multimodal AI

Multimodal AI is at the forefront of modern methodologies, synthesising diverse AI technologies to concurrently interpret various data types, a capability commonly referred to as handling multiple modalities. This approach has the potential to transform processes and enhance patient care. In today's healthcare environment, the emergence of multimodal AI signifies a leap forward, particularly within medical technology. The inundation of data from various sources such as imaging, time series, genomic sequences, lifestyle factors, and clinical records pose a challenge for individual healthcare professionals to merge and interpret. The expectation for clinicians to proficiently manage and utilise such diverse datasets alongside their primary medical specialisation is unrealistic. Multimodal AI offers a solution. Tailored for medical applications, it harnesses the power of sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques, to integrate and interpret disparate data streams. By doing so, the technology furnishes healthcare providers with insights and actionable intelligence, thus empowering them to make informed decisions and drive improved patient outcomes.
In this Commentary

This Commentary explores the complexities of healthcare data, encompassing a broad spectrum from imaging to clinical records. Multimodal AI emerges as a pragmatic solution, harmonising disparate data sources to provide insights and streamline healthcare delivery. The recent acquisition of MIM Software by GE Healthcare underscores the increasing significance of this approach. Through a historical lens, we examine the evolution of multimodal AI and its progress in deciphering various data formats. In healthcare contexts, multimodal AI has the potential to transform patient care by combining data to formulate personalised diagnoses and treatment strategies. In tackling data complexities, the technology equips healthcare professionals with efficient tools for managing intricate datasets. Furthermore, its adoption yields tangible benefits for MedTech companies by expediting innovation cycles and enhancing operational efficiency. Ultimately, multimodal AI instigates a shift in healthcare delivery and administration, fostering improved health outcomes.
A Brief History

Multimodal AI has evolved through advancements in AI, data science, and interdisciplinary research. The foundation of AI was established in the mid-20th century by pioneers like Alan Turing and John McCarthy, focusing on symbolic logic and rule-based reasoning. However, early AI systems had limited capabilities to process diverse data types. The 1980s witnessed the rise of machine learning as an area within AI research. Techniques such as neural networks, decision trees, and Bayesian methods emerged, enabling systems to learn from data and make predictions.
During the 1990s and early 2000s, progress was made in computer vision and natural language processing (NLP), laying the foundation for multimodal AI by enabling the processing and understanding of visual and textual data. The early 21st century saw a growing interest in integrating multiple data approaches within AI systems. Researchers explored techniques to combine information from sources such as text, images, audio, and sensor data to enhance analyses.
The advent of deep learning in the 2010s transformed AI, fuelled by advances in neural network architectures and computational resources. Deep learning techniques, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), enabled progress in processing multimodal data. In recent years, AI fusion technology has become increasingly prevalent across various domains, including healthcare, finance, autonomous vehicles, and multimedia analysis. These applications leverage sophisticated AI models capable of integrating and interpreting data from diverse sources to extract actionable insights.

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The development of multimodal AI continues to be driven by interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers in AI, computer science, neuroscience, cognitive science, and other fields. This collective effort aims to advance the capabilities of AI systems to understand and interact with complex, poly modal environments more effectively.

Multimodal AI in a Healthcare Setting

To illustrate the application of multimodal AI in healthcare, envision a scenario where a patient communicates symptoms through a voice-to-text interface with a medical practitioner’s office. The text is then managed by a computer utilising natural language processing (NLP), empowering machines to understand and interpret human language. Simultaneously, the patient's recent medical images and electronic health records (EHR) are accessed and undergo examination by computer algorithms. Consider that these EHRs are derived from speech recognition processes, transcribing spoken notes from prior examinations conducted by healthcare professionals. These disparate data sources are amalgamated to construct a health profile, offering insights into the patient's medical history and current condition. By harnessing machine learning algorithms, this profile, developed in split seconds, lays the groundwork for crafting personalised diagnoses and treatment plans that surpass the limitations of singular modal approaches. Moreover, the system remains dynamic, evolving alongside the patient's treatment journey. It continuously learns and adapts, aligning with the patient's status to ensure the delivery of optimal therapies. The insights obtained from this multimodal AI approach can be shared with healthcare providers to facilitate informed decision-making and encourage collaborative patient care. In an era marked by vast and rapidly growing healthcare demands, escalating healthcare costs and constrained resources, the significance of this approach cannot be overstated. By encapsulating the complexities inherent in medical diagnoses and treatment plans, multimodal AI offers a superior alternative to traditional singular methods.
Healthcare's Data Challenges and Multimodal AI

Let us examine the current situation in a little more detail. In today's digital age, the healthcare industry is a prolific generator of data, contributing ~30% of the world's data volume. This figure is projected to surge further, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of ~36% expected by 2025. Such growth outpaces key sectors like manufacturing, financial services, and media & entertainment by significant margins, emphasising the pace of data expansion within healthcare.
The challenges inherent in managing vast amounts of data are not solely due to their abundance; difficulties also arise from their diverse formats, ranging from structured data to unstructured datasets encompassing text, images, graphs, videos, and more. Despite the potential held within such data, significant portions remain untapped. The primary reason for this underutilisation is the inadequacy of conventional tools to unlock the latent insights embedded within diverse data types. Traditional technologies falter in efficiently searching, processing, and analysing these massive and heterogeneous datasets. As a result, there is a need for specialised methodologies and advanced technologies capable of extracting actionable intelligence from this wealth of information.
Enter multimodal AI: a transformative solution poised to unlock the value in unstructured datasets. By synthesising advanced algorithms with diverse data modalities, this technology offers a comprehensive approach to data analysis, transcending the limitations of traditional tools. Through techniques like natural language processing, computer vision, and deep learning, multimodal AI empowers healthcare professionals to navigate the complexities of data with unprecedented precision and efficiency. By leveraging this technology, healthcare providers can overcome the challenges of data and pave the way for innovative advancements in patient care, research, and beyond.
Navigating the Data Deluge

Medical practitioners encounter obstacles in their efforts to provide optimal care, improve patient outcomes, and manage costs effectively through data amalgamation and analysis.

Real-time data generation intensifies the pressure on healthcare professionals, demanding rapid analysis to extract actionable insights. However, ensuring data quality and reliability remains an issue due to the prevalence of errors, inconsistencies, and missing values, which can compromise both analytical validity and clinical outcomes.

Interoperability problems further exacerbate the situation, as disparate healthcare systems often employ incompatible technologies and standards, hindering data exchange. The absence of standardised formats and protocols impedes integration and sharing across platforms and organisations, thwarting efforts to leverage data for comprehensive patient care.
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Leaning-in on digital and AI

Moreover, privacy and security regulations, such as the American Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), necessitate a balance between safeguarding patient privacy and facilitating data access and sharing. The digital transformation of healthcare increases these concerns, underscoring the urgency of compliance with regulatory standards and robust data protection measures.
Multimodal AI solutions have the capabilities to address these challenges by leveraging advanced encryption techniques, anomaly detection algorithms, and robust audit trails, which strengthen data security and prevent unauthorised access. These AI-powered systems also play a role in ensuring regulatory compliance by identifying potential violations and monitoring adherence to guidelines, thus mitigating compliance risks within healthcare organisations.

Furthermore, effective data interpretation hinges upon domain-specific expertise and a nuanced understanding of clinical contexts. Healthcare professionals must contextualise data within individual patient characteristics, medical histories, and clinical guidelines to make informed decisions, thereby optimising patient care. However, biases inherent in healthcare data pose an obstacle, potentially skewing AI models and predictions. Mitigating biases and promoting equitable healthcare outcomes require a concerted effort towards fairness, transparency, and generalisability in AI model development and deployment.

Addressing these challenges necessitates collaborative efforts among healthcare professionals, data scientists, policymakers, and technology providers. Implementing strategies such as data standardisation, interoperability frameworks, advanced analytics techniques, and robust data governance policies are imperative for overcoming obstacles and unlocking the full potential of healthcare data to enhance patient care and outcomes.

Multimodal AI and MedTech Innovation

Multimodal AI extends beyond traditional healthcare practices and has the potential to reshape how MedTech companies tackle healthcare challenges and develop solutions and services for patients. The technology holds promise to accelerate innovation cycles by expediting the development and refinement of novel medical devices and technologies. By integrating various data modalities, including imaging, genomic, and clinical data, it enables firms to uncover insights, leading to the creation of more effective diagnostic tools and treatment solutions. This not only improves the competitive edge of enterprises but also translates into tangible benefits for healthcare providers and patients by offering faster, more accurate diagnostics and therapies.
Furthermore, in the realm of personalised care, multimodal AI empowers corporations to tailor interventions to individual patient profiles, encompassing genetic predispositions, lifestyle factors, and treatment responses. Such tailored approaches improve patient outcomes and have the potential to drive market differentiation for MedTech products, which cater to the growing demand for customised healthcare solutions.

Moreover, the integration of multimodal AI into MedTech solutions and services fosters interoperability and connectivity across various healthcare systems and devices. This boosts the efficiency of remote patient monitoring and telemedicine platforms, allowing enterprises to reach underserved populations and geographies more effectively. By leveraging data from wearables, sensors, and remote monitoring platforms, the technology enables proactive healthcare interventions, detecting early warning signs of deterioration, facilitating timely interventions, thus improving patient outcomes, and reducing healthcare disparities.

In addition to driving innovation in product development, multimodal AI contributes to optimising operational efficiency and resource allocation within enterprises. By automating administrative tasks, streamlining work, and analysing data on patient flow and resource utilisation, the technology empowers MedTechs to allocate resources more effectively, reduce costs, and strengthen overall operational performance. This not only translates into improved bottom-line results but also enhances resource allocation for healthcare providers, which ultimately benefits patient care delivery.

The integration of multimodal AI into the medical technology sector catalyses a shift in how healthcare is delivered and managed, paving the way for more efficient, personalised, and accessible healthcare solutions. As corporations continue to harness the power of this technology, the potential for transformative innovation in healthcare delivery and management becomes increasingly possible, promoting better health outcomes and experiences for individuals and populations worldwide.


GE Healthcare's acquisition of MIM Software highlights the company's strategic foresight in leveraging MIM's extensive product portfolio, utilised by >3,000 institutions worldwide. Also, it exemplifies Peter Arduini's astuteness in navigating the evolving healthcare technology landscape and emphasises the importance of integrating multimodal AI tools to achieve sustainable growth and gain a competitive edge in today's dynamic healthcare ecosystem. As technology progresses and data complexity increases, multimodal AI's importance is poised to escalate, transforming healthcare's trajectory. The technology’s integration optimises diagnostic and treatment procedures, streamlines administrative functions, and enhances operational efficiency within healthcare systems. Despite challenges such as data complexity and privacy concerns, the ability of multimodal AI to synthesise data and provide actionable insights empowers healthcare professionals, leading to improved patient outcomes. As this technology evolves, it promises to reshape the delivery and management of medical services globally. Multimodal AI has the capacity to reinforce GE Healthcare's leadership in innovation and enhance its competitive position.
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  • Amidst rapid technological advancements, shifting demographics, volatile markets, and geopolitical turbulence, corporate boards grapple with multifaceted responsibilities to steer their enterprises towards sustainable, long-term growth
  • The relentless pace of change demands directors to be adaptable and strategic 
  • Given these dynamics, traditional approaches to board effectiveness should be re-evaluated and enhanced to equip directors with the essential tools for enduring success in today's business environment
Reimagining Boards
The role of boards of directors has been transformed since their inception in the late 18th or early 19th century. Initially tasked with safeguarding shareholder interests during nascent industrialisation and within smaller-scale enterprises, boards now face additional challenges. The 21st century is marked by rapid technological advancements, significant demographic shifts, volatile global markets, and geopolitical turbulence, all of which converge to test organisational resilience and innovation. Despite this evolving landscape, boards continue to have a fundamental duty of protecting shareholder interests. Directors are elected by shareholders to provide guidance, set strategy and oversee management. Thus, they shoulder the responsibility of ensuring sustained growth and vitality for the entities they govern. However, the accelerating pace of change on many fronts requires boards to manage with agility. Effective communication between executive and non-executive directors, as well as among the latter, is crucial in this endeavour. Notwithstanding, the perception of harmony among corporate colleagues may mask underlying areas for improvement that tend to surface during moments of crisis. Against this backdrop of increasing complexity and the pervasive influence of advancing technologies across all sectors, complacency in communication poses a threat to governance effectiveness. Thus, there is a need to reimagine board strategies to align with the demands of a rapidly changing business ecosystem. Cultivating a culture of mutual respect, agility, and innovation is essential for directors to effectively manage uncertainty and foster sustainable growth. Such a proactive approach not only shields directors against unforeseen obstacles but also positions them to seize emerging opportunities, thereby enhancing their resilience in the face of volatility, and promoting enduring prosperity for the organisations they represent.

In this Commentary

This Commentary explores the role that public company boards play in corporate governance. It delves into the obstacles facing directors in today's evolving business terrain, emphasising the need for adaptability and innovative governance practices. It suggests strategies to strengthen boards, including education initiatives, diverse board compositions, and strategic planning retreats. It sheds light on the limitations imposed by directors' time constraints and board meeting schedules, highlighting the potential impediments to gaining a comprehensive understanding of crucial enterprise dynamics. Furthermore, the Commentary examines the implications of aging boards and advocates for the integration of digital natives, suggesting a blend of seasoned experience and technological fluency in governance structures. Through analysis and actionable insights, we endeavour to provide boards with suggestions to help navigate contemporary business ecosystems.
21st Century Boards of Directors

Today, corporate leadership is characterised by a complex interplay of various factors, including technological advancements, demographic shifts, market dynamics, geopolitical intricacies, and evolving societal expectations. Compounded by the relatively short tenures of large company CEOs and C-suite executives, averaging ~5 and ~4.5 years respectively, the challenge for directors and boards becomes even more pronounced. The turnover in leadership underscores the need for agility and foresight in governance and strategic planning processes. Entrusted with the task of charting a course for their companies' future prosperity and sustainability, boards must adeptly manage these hurdles. To succeed in this endeavour, non-executive directors must possess a deep understanding of the forces shaping the business environment and possess the flexibility to adapt to emerging trends and challenges. By doing so, boards can ensure that their organisations remain resilient and responsive among the ever-changing milieu of the modern corporate environment.
At the forefront of this task is the speed and extent of technological disruption. Numerous 21st-century technologies have reshaped societies, economies, and everyday life. Smartphones and mobile telephony have transformed communications, entertainment, commerce, and productivity, becoming indispensable tools globally. Social media platforms like Facebook, X, (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and TikTok have radically changed communication patterns, influenced consumer behaviour, and shaped political discourse. Cloud computing services such as AWS and Azure have disrupted data storage and software access, driving efficiency and innovation in businesses. E-commerce platforms like Amazon and Alibaba have radically changed traditional retail models, offering convenience and global reach. Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies automate tasks, analyse data, and power innovations from virtual assistants to medical diagnostics. The Internet of Things (IoT) enables interconnected devices to optimise processes in healthcare, manufacturing, and transportation. Big data analytics unlock insights from vast amounts of information, driving innovation and enhancing competitiveness. These technologies present opportunities and risks. Corporate boards must fully comprehend their implications, urging companies to harness them for innovation while fortifying defences against emerging threats such as cybersecurity breaches.
Geopolitical uncertainty presents another substantial challenge for leaders. With trade tensions and regulatory hurdles, directors must possess a nuanced understanding of global markets and exhibit agility in adapting to shifts in international relations. Navigating such volatility demands strategic prowess and capabilities to react swiftly. Moreover, addressing evolving consumer preferences requires cultivating diversity within corporate governance structures. By developing leadership teams that encompass a range of perspectives and expertise, organisations are better positioned to drive innovation and ensure well-informed decision-making processes that connect with stakeholders. 
Equally crucial are environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations, which have surged to the forefront of corporate agendas. Rather than treating sustainability and ethical practices as add-ons, leaders must integrate them into strategic planning and risk management to safeguard long-term value and reputation.
In the digital age, cybersecurity and data privacy pose threats to businesses. Boards must exercise decisive oversight to protect critical assets and uphold stakeholder trust amidst escalating cyber threats. Collaborative efforts between directors and management are essential to assess risks, implement policies, and integrate cybersecurity into broader strategic initiatives. Proactive measures can mitigate challenges, preserve customer trust, and ensure sustainable growth.
In today's business environment, the responsibilities of board directors extend beyond attending meetings and responding to market fluctuations. While these short-term considerations are essential, directors must also recognise the importance of enhancing their comprehension of factors that influence longer-term strategies pivotal for sustainable growth. The traditional format of board meetings, and the competing interests of non-executive directors, may inadvertently foster a superficial approach to governance and the formulation of long-term strategies. Directors play a crucial role in steering their organisations towards sustainable growth and competitive advantage. This necessitates a comprehensive exploration of all facets of the corporation and its industry, coupled with a continuous awareness of emerging technologies and the growing influence of emerging economies.
To adeptly address both short-term pressures and foster sustainable growth, boards must reassess the regularity and structure of their meetings. Increasing their frequency facilitates prompt decision-making, encourages deeper engagement and strengthens problem-solving capabilities among directors. Furthermore, aligning the frequency of meetings with strategic priorities ensures that time is allocated effectively, laying a robust foundation for long-term success.
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The Power of Corporate Culture

Directors must balance oversight and intervention while fostering adaptability, innovation, and embracing change as an opportunity for growth, instilling forward-thinking mindsets, and empowering management. Expertise, vigilance, and adaptability are indispensable traits for effective board leadership.
Communication challenges

Effective communication is a cornerstone for boardroom success. Nonetheless, nurturing relationships is a task that demands both time and resources. Disregarding such endeavours can lead to issues, ranging from ineffective management practices to organisational breakdowns.

Executive-Non-Executive Communications
One main obstacle to effective communication is the inherent information asymmetry between executives and board directors. The former often possess more detailed knowledge about the organisation's day-to-day operations and challenges, leaving directors at a disadvantage. This information gap can result in misunderstandings or misinterpretations during board iterations. Executives may withhold information due to concerns about reputation or personal interests, while directors may lack the depth of understanding to fully comprehend the implications of certain decisions.
Further, communication between executives and non-executive directors is susceptible to confirmation bias and groupthink. Executives may present information in a way that aligns with their preferred course of action, while directors may feel pressured to conform to the consensus within the boardroom. This can stifle dissenting opinions and critical evaluation, leading to suboptimal decision-making. A lack of accountability compounds these challenges. Without transparent communication, directors struggle to hold executives accountable, which can encourage a culture of complacency, allowing misconduct to go unchecked.

Overreliance on PowerPoint Presentations
Personality conflicts, power struggles, and divergent communication styles present barriers to the flow of information within organisations, hampering problem-solving efforts and eroding trust among stakeholders. Moreover, an excessive reliance on PowerPoint Presentations (PPPs) can exacerbate these challenges, as they often fail to stimulate meaningful dialogue. Executives must engage in frank discussions with their board colleagues to tackle complex issues, fostering an environment of openness and transparency. Effective communication between executives and board directors demands strategies that encourage genuine engagement and facilitate transparent dialogue. This not only strengthens relationships but also fosters a culture of trust, collaboration, and collective problem-solving. Jeff Bezos, known for his emphasis on effective communication and decision-making within Amazon, has notably instituted a practice in company meetings where executives must read and internalise a memo, which serves as the basis for discussion, rather than relying on PPPs. This approach is thought to encourage more thoughtful analysis and in-depth understanding.

Kingdom Building Among Middle Managers
Boards across industries might draw on the strategic manoeuvres of tech giants like Meta and Google, who are simplifying their organisational structures by eliminating layers of middle management. It is at these levels where internal kingdom building occurs, leading to bureaucratic hurdles and siloed operations. By flattening their hierarchies, these tech firms aim to boost transparency, agility, and collaboration. Boards representing other industries might take note of the potential inefficiencies and communication bottlenecks stemming from excessive middle management layers and consider similar initiatives to bolster organisational efficiency. A more streamlined and agile enterprise can help boards to drive innovation, adapt swiftly to market changes, and sustain growth.

Communication Among Board Directors
Effective communication among board colleagues is essential for fostering mutual respect and a shared commitment to the company's vision, mission, and strategy. When directors comprehend and endorse the organisation's goals and purpose, they can utilise their diverse expertise to collaboratively drive strategy. This alignment encourages unity within the board, ensuring decisions are made in the best interest of the company's long-term success. Through exchanging insights, providing feedback, and engaging in constructive dialogue, directors can identify trends, assess risks, and make informed decisions that contribute to sustainable success. Conversely, inadequate communication among directors can lead to conflicts and impede the board's ability to make timely decisions. Disagreements and misunderstandings can undermine trust and cohesion, ultimately jeopardising the company's competitive position.

                   Strengthening Boards for Dynamic Governance

Directors juggling competing interests often face heightened demands, which may compromise their effectiveness, particularly when they hold multiple board positions. While enriching their experience and expertise, multitasking can strain their time and focus, hindering their ability to prioritise effective communication within individual affiliate boards. To address this challenge, implementing limits on the number of boards directors can serve on becomes essential to ensure that their attention remains focused and their commitment undivided. In the US, institutional investors have voiced their opposition to the appointment of directors sitting on >5 boards. Notably, BlackRock, an investment management firm, cast dissenting votes against 163 directors across 149 companies between July 2020 and June 2021 due to concerns of over-boarding. 
Continuous education and training programmes for executives and board directors are essential for improving their grasp of roles, and responsibilities. These instil a culture of constant learning and flexibility, equipping participants with the skills needed to tackle modern challenges. Additionally, by promoting diversity of thought within the board, discussions and decision-making become more vibrant, and encourage innovative solutions to current problems. Evaluating executives' performance, particularly their communication abilities, enhances accountability and contributes to ongoing progress.
Careful structuring of board committees ensures oversight and dynamic discussions. Regular rotation of committee members safeguards against complacency and brings in fresh perspectives, invigorating the board's decision-making processes. While organising retreats involving both executives and board directors may disrupt the usual rhythm of board meetings, such initiatives are instrumental in reinforcing alignment with corporate goals and strengthening communication channels. By incorporating workshops, inviting guest speakers, and facilitating open forums during board meetings, the focus shifts towards promoting creativity and embracing diverse viewpoints, rather than perpetuating conventional thinking. Such initiatives help to shape and reshape the mindsets of executives and directors, stimulate innovation, and facilitate active engagement.
Beyond Boardrooms

Sticking strictly to the traditional approach of holding board meetings exclusively at the company's headquarters could inadvertently limit directors' understanding of the operations they oversee. In an era marked by interconnectedness and diversity, it is crucial for directors to move beyond these physical confines and actively involve themselves in the varied operational landscapes of their enterprises. This fosters a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities encountered by the company, cultivating a more nuanced perspective essential for informed and effective decision-making.
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When board directors acquaint themselves with facilities and locales crucial to operations, they gain insights into quality control protocols, potential bottlenecks, and opportunities. Armed with such knowledge, they are better positioned to identify avenues for improvement. An understanding of supply chain dynamics is also essential for effective risk management and protection against disruptions. By increasing their knowledge of key suppliers, directors strengthen their ability to navigate challenges and cultivate agility and adaptability.
Furthermore, the operational footprint of international corporations often spans diverse regions characterised by unique cultural, economic, and regulatory frameworks. Venturing beyond the headquarters helps board members gain first-hand exposure to these varied geographies, enhancing their ability to contribute to strategies tailored to local contexts. Such knowhow proves invaluable in understanding key customers, navigating complex regulatory spheres, and seizing market opportunities.
Embarking on exploratory journeys into potential regions and markets equips directors with insights necessary to make more informed strategic decisions regarding expansion initiatives, mergers, or acquisitions. Through experiences in new regions, directors develop the ability to assess market potential, recognise competitive dynamics, and determine the viability of investment ventures, thereby mitigating risks inherent in moving into unfamiliar territories.
In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, a significant shift occurred, with ~80% of the global population transitioning from poverty to middle-class status and from ignorance to enlightenment. This period witnessed the transformation of once nascent markets into economic powerhouses. Despite comprising >75% of the world's population in 2000, developing economies were responsible for only ~40% of global GDP. By 2010, this share had risen to ~50%, and projections indicate it will reach ~60% by 2025. No longer low-margin commodity exporters, emerging markets now serve as growth opportunities for Western corporations, with tech giants like Apple and Microsoft also leveraging them for innovative R&D. In today's setting, it is essential for directors of Western enterprises to broaden their horizons beyond their advanced home economies and gain exposure to the conditions, economies, business practices, and opportunities of emerging markets, where an increasing percentage of future global business and innovations lie.
Board Demographics

The median age of public company directors, which is ~65, holds significance for the effectiveness of corporate boards, particularly within fast-paced technology sectors. This demographic influences decision-making, strategic planning, and governance, thereby shaping the path of organisations. While the expertise of older directors contributes valuable experience and institutional insight necessary for understanding industry shifts and overcoming obstacles, it also presents constraints.
One important advantage derived from senior board members is the depth of experience and institutional memory they inject into boardroom deliberations. They serve as custodians of industry dynamics and historical perspectives, illuminating pathways for informed decision-making and strategic foresight. Their tenure promotes stability and continuity within the board, instilling confidence in shareholders and stakeholders regarding consistent leadership aligned with the enterprise's long-term objectives. Also, age does not necessarily correlate with either a lack of mental agility or technological acumen; many senior directors remain actively engaged, continuously updating their knowledge base, and contributing meaningfully to board discussions on market trends and technological advancements.
However, some seniors may lean towards a cautious approach to risk, potentially reducing innovation, and adaptability. While this approach may mitigate immediate risks, it could impede agility in responding to emerging business opportunities. A technology and innovation gap among seasoned directors may also hinder their ability to grasp evolving trends critical in today's competitive ecosystem, such as social media's influence. Boards lacking expertise in this area may struggle to manage online reputation and engage stakeholders effectively. Knowledge gaps could dilute the board's evaluation of risks and opportunities, affecting the company's competitiveness. This is especially critical in rapidly changing industries like agriculture and healthcare, where failure to leverage developing technologies can result in missed growth opportunities and loss of market relevance.
Digital Natives

Large company boards are comprised predominantly of digital immigrants, individuals who have been shaped in an era preceding the transformative influence of the internet on communication and information dissemination. We have suggested how this demographic has implications for how boards confront the challenges presented by an ever-evolving business ecosystem. Given the rapid pace of technological advancement, boards must not only draw upon the wisdom and stability offered by senior directors but also recognise the importance of integrating digital fluency into their ranks.
The integration of digital natives - individuals who have grown up in the information age - onto boards seems a strategic necessity. Their presence offers fresh perspectives and technological expertise essential for navigating the complexities of today's digital era. By broadening the scope of diversity beyond factors like ethnicity and gender to encompass age, boards can ensure they possess the skill set needed to thrive in a rapidly and perpetually evolving business environment. Actively recruiting individuals steeped in the information age can infuse boards with innovative thinking and technological prowess.
Moreover, embracing age diversity supports a collaborative environment wherein insights from both digital immigrants and digital natives are leveraged to maximum effect. This synergy between different generational mindsets encourages a deeper understanding of emerging technologies and market trends and thereby supports more nuanced and informed decision-making processes. Harnessing the collective wisdom of both cohorts amplifies the board's capacity to anticipate disruptions, identify opportunities, and devise strategies that resonate across diverse consumer demographics.
However, the integration of digital natives necessitates a commitment to foster an inclusive culture that values and empowers their contributions. Boards must provide opportunities for digital natives to express their perspectives freely and actively seek their input. Encouraging cross-generational mentorship and knowledge exchange initiatives can further enhance collaboration and facilitate the integration of digital fluency into boardroom discussions and decision-making processes.
In essence, bridging potential technology gaps within corporate boards through the inclusion of digital natives enhances the board's capacity to navigate the complexities of the modern era and reinforces its relevance and competitiveness in an increasingly dynamic marketplace. It seems reasonable to suggest that embracing diversity in age and thought is a pathway to sustained innovation, resilience, and long-term success in an ever-evolving business ecosystem.

The evolving landscape of corporate governance demands a re-evaluation of traditional board practices in the face of the rapid changes in technology, demographics, markets, and geopolitics. As guardians of corporate strategy and sustainability, boards must possess adaptability and strategic insight to navigate these complexities effectively. In this context, reimagining the role of boards extends to innovative approaches, including enhanced communication strategies, continuous education initiatives, and promoting age diversity. Furthermore, expanding board activities beyond the confines of corporate headquarters offers invaluable insights into operational realities and diverse markets, facilitating informed decision-making. By fostering collaboration, embracing digital fluency, and leveraging the collective wisdom of diverse generations, boards can navigate uncertainty, drive innovation, and ensure enduring success in today's dynamic business environment. Implementing these principles positions boards as architects of their own evolution, empowering them to lead organisations towards resilience and sustainable growth amidst the relentless pace of change.
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  • Corporate culture shapes the identity and values of MedTech companies, influencing their approach to innovation, patient care, and business ethics
  • It encourages robust employee engagement, collaboration, and commitment, crucial for driving advancements in medical technology and enhancing patient outcomes 
  • The alignment of corporate culture with regulatory standards and industry best practices is essential for enterprises to maintain compliance and trust among stakeholders
  • Ethical decision-making and integrity are cornerstones of a positive corporate culture in the MedTech sector, impacting public perception and investor confidence
  • Embracing a supportive and inclusive ethos attracts top talent, nurtures development, and sharpens competitive edge in healthcare's dynamic landscape
The Power of Corporate Culture
In the ever-evolving environment of the medical technology industry, where innovation and precision are essential, an often underestimated yet indispensable element stands out: corporate culture. It serves as the foundation upon which organisational cohesion and effectiveness are built, encompassing the shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviours that guide employee interactions and shape decision-making processes. A unified corporate environment fosters collaboration, streamlines operations, and boosts productivity, optimising resource allocation and reducing waste. Conversely, fragmented cultures breed discord, hampering communication, impeding progress, and depleting valuable resources in the process. An integrated corporate ethos that empowers individuals and aligns them with the company’s strategic vision can unlock their full potential, nurturing sustainable growth and gaining a competitive edge. 

As the medical technology sector continues its pursuit of innovations and personalised solutions, the role of a robust corporate culture becomes indispensable. It acts as the crucial element for success, helping companies manage challenges effectively while also empowering them to seize opportunities with agility and foresight. Furthermore, a unified corporate ethos strengthens companies to achieve important results that connect with patients and stakeholders, solidifying their leadership role in advancing healthcare and shaping the industry's future.
The sustained success of Medtronic, Siemens Healthineers and Boston Scientific in the global MedTech industry partly can be attributed to their distinctive corporate cultures, which serve as a competitive advantage. These companies have strategically cultivated cultures that set them apart from competitors and strike a chord with their stakeholders. For instance, Medtronic's emphasis on innovation and patient-centricity encourages advancements and instils trust among patients and healthcare professionals. Similarly, Siemens Healthineers' commitment to quality and continuous improvement not only drives advancements in medical technology but also ensures reliability and excellence in their products and services. Boston Scientific's focus on integrity, inclusion, and accountability strengthens internal cohesion and enhances customer trust and loyalty. By prioritising values such as collaboration, excellence, integrity, and customer satisfaction, these corporations differentiate themselves within the industry and contribute positively to healthcare outcomes worldwide.
In this Commentary

This Commentary highlights the pivotal role of corporate culture in the MedTech industry, advocating for strategies to maximise its impact. It shows how culture can drive success through innovation, employee engagement, and performance. The discussion describes actionable approaches, such as leadership commitment, clear vision, open communication, empowerment, diversity, inclusion, and continuous learning. By implementing these, companies can benefit from culture's potential for sustained growth and innovation, thereby significantly improving healthcare delivery. We present a brief case study of MedCo, a lesser-known UK MedTech, which has gained a reputation for proactive innovation. We illustrate how the company purposefully developed a distinct corporate culture. This differentiated it in an increasingly competitive market, exemplifying the transformative influence of a carefully crafted and implemented corporate culture. Furthermore, the Commentary tackles challenges and provides practical insights to assist enterprises in overcoming these obstacles, directing them toward a culture that promotes innovation, engages employees, and ensures long-term success.
Culture a Catalyst for MedTech Success

At its core, corporate culture in MedTechs fuels an environment where employees are inspired to push boundaries, collaborate, and engage in continuous improvement, encouraging creativity and empowering individuals to challenge the status quo. These dynamics facilitate the creation of innovative technologies and solutions poised to improve healthcare delivery. Simultaneously, it nurtures a sense of purpose and belonging within employees, aligning their endeavours with the organisation's mission to advance patient outcomes and elevate quality of life. Corporate ethos can help shape an environment where innovation flourishes, employees excel, and enterprises differentiate themselves. It stimulates collaboration, inspires creativity, encourages quality processes, and promotes continuous improvement, ultimately driving success, and impacting healthcare while building trust, attracting top talent, and strengthening a company's reputation.

Enhanced Employee Engagement and Productivity
When employees feel valued, supported, and appreciated within a positive work environment, they are motivated to contribute their best efforts. Clear communication channels, recognition programmes, and opportunities for professional growth further bolster engagement. A strong corporate culture promotes collaboration, teamwork, and a shared commitment to excellence, leading to increased efficiency and quality output. 

Fostering Innovation and Adaptability
Corporate culture is a catalyst for innovation and adaptability by nurturing an environment that values creativity, experimentation, and continuous learning. Employees who are encouraged to think outside the box and challenge conventional norms often generate new ideas and breakthrough solutions.
An ethos that embraces change and risk-taking enables teams to adapt swiftly to evolving market dynamics and technological advancements. Open communication channels and collaboration across departments and functions facilitate the exchange of diverse perspectives and insights, supporting a culture of innovation. Furthermore, an emphasis on learning and development ensures that people remain agile and equipped to manage challenges effectively, driving creativity and adaptability.
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Optimising MedTechs’ People Operations for AI and Market Changes

Building Trust and Reputation
By embedding values such as integrity, transparency, and accountability throughout every facet of an enterprise's operations, corporate culture becomes instrumental in promoting trust and shaping reputation, positioning the organisation as a dependable industry partner. When employees observe ethical behaviours and fair treatment they can foster a sense of trust and loyalty. Upholding high standards of conduct and fulfilling commitments enables MedTechs to solidify their reputation as reliable, ethical, and trustworthy entities.
Cultivating an Effective Corporate Culture
Corporate culture begins at the top and hinges upon the unwavering commitment and alignment of leaders, who serve as the catalysts for its development. Central to this process is the relentless communication of the company's vision, mission, and values, coupled with the demonstration of these principles through leaders' actions. Collaborative goal setting, the establishment of clear objectives, and the implementation of receptive feedback mechanisms all serve to strengthen alignment with organisational objectives and bolster accountability throughout the entire workforce.
Open communication channels are essential for promoting transparency and trust. Establishing platforms for candid dialogue, such as regular team meetings and anonymous feedback systems, encourages active participation and fosters an inclusive culture. Leaders play a crucial role by modelling open communication, actively soliciting, and responding to feedback, thus supporting a culture of mutual respect and trust.
Employee empowerment lies at the heart of this process. MedTechs can enhance their people by delegating decision-making authority, granting autonomy in tasks, and developing an environment that champions innovation and encourages risk-taking. Recognition programmes that celebrate individual and collective achievements reinforce a culture of appreciation and motivate employees to pursue excellence. Additionally, offering opportunities for career development elevates people to map out their professional growth within the organisation.

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Embracing diversity and inclusion stimulates innovation and enhances employee satisfaction and retention. Corporations can implement initiatives such as diverse hiring practices, unconscious bias training, and affinity groups to nurture an inclusive culture where all voices are valued. Mentorship programmes and promoting diverse leadership representation further emphasises an enterprise’s commitment to creating an environment where everyone can excel.
Continuous learning and development are vital for maintaining a culture of growth and improvement. Providing access to training programmes, workshops, and educational resources encourages people to pursue professional development opportunities. Furthermore, cross-functional collaboration and mentorship programmes facilitate the sharing of knowledge, drive innovation, and support continuous professional development.
Overcoming Challenges in Developing Corporate Culture

Successfully navigating the complexities of corporate culture development demands a multifaceted approach and steadfast commitment from leaders. Proactively tackling challenges entails more than just addressing them; it requires a strategic orchestration of efforts. Initially, overcoming resistance to change necessitates transparent communication elucidating the rationale behind cultural shifts, while actively involving employees to advance their buy-in and acceptance. Further, dismantling siloed departments and hierarchical structures mandates fostering cross-functional collaboration and flattening organisational hierarchies to promote inclusivity and teamwork. Facilitating an inclusive environment acknowledges and respects cultural differences within diverse teams, promoting a sense of belonging and empowerment. Also, ensuring the longevity and efficacy of cultural initiatives demands consistent reinforcement and alignment with company objectives. And, overcoming resource constraints mandates judicious prioritisation of cultural investments and the efficient utilisation of available resources. By adroitly addressing these challenges and implementing tailored strategies, MedTechs can forge robust corporate cultures that drive success and foster sustainable growth.
MedCo: A Case Study

Traditional MedTech enterprises seeking transformative strategies for growth and value enhancement can glean valuable insights from the journey of MedCo. Positioned as a leader in personalised healthcare solutions, the company has forged a successful path by integrating data analytics, genetics, and artificial intelligence (AI) to significantly enhance medical treatments with tailored solutions. However, what distinguishes MedCo is the emphasis its leaders place on corporate culture. Unlike many traditional players who prioritise financial and technological advancements, the company leaders recognise the importance of fostering a dynamic corporate culture that encourages experimentation, embraces diversity, and champions agility. This strategic alignment between technological innovation and a progressive corporate culture has propelled the corporation to the forefront of the industry and enabled it to continuously adapt and prosper in an ever-evolving healthcare ecosystem. Thus, for traditional MedTech enterprises aspiring for transformative growth and value enhancement, the journey of MedCo serves as a testament to the influence of corporate culture in driving innovation and strategic success.
With unwavering determination, MedCo's leaders refused to confine themselves to the status quo of conventional healthcare provision. Recognising the transformative potential of corporate culture, they embarked on a journey, fully cognisant that the foundation of such culture rests with leaders, encapsulated by a well-defined vision, mission, and values. Their resolve was to carve out a reputation synonymous with excellence, offering innovative products alongside exceptional service and after-sale support. With a focus on enhancing usability, saving healthcare professionals time and resources, and prioritising patient comfort and emotional wellbeing, the leaders pursued their objectives. They developed a culture characterised by innovation, quality, and employee engagement, which was aligned with the enterprise’s strategic vision.

Recognising that corporate culture starts from the highest levels, leaders outlined the company’s vision, mission, and values. Then, through proactive involvement with employees, these principles were collaboratively honed to align with strategic imperatives. Their goal? To forge a legacy characterised by unmatched product excellence, innovation, and comprehensive service: a pledge to substantially enhance usability, mitigate healthcare expenditures, and improve patient outcomes.
Establishing open channels of communication emerged as a cornerstone of its cultural blueprint. Town hall meetings, feedback sessions, and online forums became conduits for transparent dialogue, promoting collaboration and encouraging employees to contribute to strategic initiatives. Embracing employee empowerment and recognition, MedCo delegated decision-making authority and celebrated achievements, engendering a culture where every individual felt valued and motivated to take ownership of their contributions. In tandem with strengthening their employees, the company prioritised continuous learning and development, offering comprehensive training programmes, workshops, and mentorship opportunities. This bolstered employee satisfaction and retention and ensured the corporation's continued innovation in a fast-moving sector.
The tangible outcomes of MedCo's corporate culture are manifested in elevated levels of employee engagement, heightened productivity, and pioneering innovation. This culture serves as an advantage, attracting top talent, enhancing the company's reputation, and driving technological advancements. This case study is a testament to the transformative potential of corporate culture: a narrative from which traditional MedTechs can glean valuable insights to help in their strategic evolution.

Corporate culture is pivotal for MedTech companies, fuelling innovation, engaging employees, and establishing a competitive edge. A cohesive culture, rooted in shared values and collaboration, unleashes companies' full potential for sustained quality growth. Prioritising initiatives like open communication, employee empowerment, and ongoing learning enables firms to tackle challenges, adapt to market shifts, and deliver cutting-edge solutions that improve patient outcomes. A robust corporate culture not only attracts top talent and bolsters reputation but also positions companies as industry leaders. As MedTechs innovate and personalise healthcare, developing and nurturing a vibrant corporate culture remains essential to their mission of transforming healthcare delivery. By embracing corporate culture's power, enterprises can chart a path to sustained success, innovation, and excellence in creating a healthier future.
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  • Traditional MedTechs should swiftly upgrade their human capital if they wish to keep pace with rapidly advancing technologies and changing markets
  • Priority lies in aligning in-house capabilities with technology-driven strategies and the progression of healthcare systems
  • Emerging technologies like AI-driven big data solutions and services are set to transform MedTech offerings
  • Enterprises need to adjust to decentralised care models within evolving healthcare ecosystems 
  • To flourish in the next decade, MedTechs must cultivate a culture of continuous enhancement to bolster their innovation capabilities
Optimising MedTechs’ People Operations for AI and Market Changes
In today's dynamic healthcare landscape characterised by rapid technological advancements and shifting market trends, traditional MedTechs find themselves at a turning point. Maintaining competitiveness demands a proactive stance to manage change through strategic investment in human capital development. Prioritising the rejuvenation of a company’s workforce is important, as an organisation's future sustainability and success hinge on its ability to adapt and innovate. This need for transformation is driven by factors influencing healthcare, including the rise of disruptive technologies and the continuous evolution of market conditions.
In this Commentary

This Commentary stresses the need for traditional MedTech firms to modernise their people operations amid the growing influence of AI, automation, and market dynamics. It stresses aligning human capital capabilities with organisational strategies to effectively leverage technological advancements, market shifts, and evolving healthcare systems. By showcasing the transformative potential of AI-powered big data-driven solutions and services, it draws attention to the importance of empowering people to manage challenges and drive innovation that provide access to new revenue streams. Furthermore, it highlights the shift towards decentralised care, prioritising prevention, and patient-centricity, prompting enterprises to realign their internal capabilities accordingly. Addressing challenges posed by off-patent products, the Commentary advocates a proactive approach in equipping workforces with essential skills and a mindset conducive to excelling in an era of heightened automation and efficiency. Lastly, it underscores refocusing company operations on value creation while fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, guiding MedTechs to maintain their competitive edge in the evolving healthcare ecosystem.
Technological Advancements and Market Dynamics
The healthcare industry is undergoing a transformation fuelled by rapid technological advancements and market changes. Emerging automation technologies are disrupting traditional workflows and processes, promising heightened efficiency, accuracy, and improved patient outcomes. Concurrently, there is a notable surge in the adoption of digital health solutions, preventive measures, diagnostics, and value-based care. Digital health platforms offer opportunities for remote patient monitoring, personalised interventions, and data-driven decision-making, while preventive healthcare, driven by wearable devices and predictive analytics, aims to anticipate and mitigate illnesses before they escalate, thus promoting wellbeing and alleviating strain on healthcare systems. Moreover, diagnostics are evolving with greater sophistication, incorporating technologies like genomics and molecular imaging to enable earlier detection and targeted treatment strategies. In this changing technological terrain, traditional MedTech companies must shift their people towards a tech-savvy, forward-thinking mindset. Employees must be adept at leveraging disruptive technologies to develop and deliver innovative solutions and services that align with the evolving needs of patients, thereby providing access to new revenue streams. Achieving this necessitates a concerted effort to upskill existing talent, recruit individuals with expertise in AI, data analytics, and digital health, and cultivate a culture of continuous learning and adaptation. While the allure of seeking external expertise from consulting firms may be strong, the most sustainable approach is to invest in enhancing in-house capabilities, empowering the workforce to adeptly navigate transitions and foster innovation and sustainable growth from within.
Changing Healthcare Systems

Healthcare worldwide is shifting towards decentralised care, preventive measures, and patient-centricity and is characterised by innovative care delivery models, heightened emphasis on patient outcomes, value, and stringent regulatory standards. Decentralised care models, such as telemedicine, home healthcare, and community-health, are gaining traction. Such models prioritise accessibility, convenience, and cost-effectiveness, necessitating companies to develop solutions and services tailored to support remote monitoring, virtual consultations, and effective data exchange between healthcare providers and patients.
The growing recognition of the importance of preventive healthcare in reducing disease burdens and rising healthcare costs is likely to oblige MedTechs to adapt by shifting some of their focus towards developing technologies that enable early detection, personalised interventions, and health promotion initiatives. This requires people equipped with the expertise to manage complex healthcare ecosystems, collaborate with diverse stakeholders, and leverage data analytics to drive actionable insights. Further, patient-centricity has emerged as a guiding principle shaping healthcare delivery and product development strategies. Traditional enterprises, mostly focused on health professionals in hospitals, must enhance their understanding of patient needs, preferences, and experiences to design offerings that empower individuals to actively participate in their care journeys. This demands a workforce with an understanding of individual-centred design principles, empathy, and the ability to co-create solutions with patients and caregivers. MedTechs must increase investments to bolster cross-functional collaboration, nurture entrepreneurial mindsets, and deepen comprehension of regulatory compliance, quality production, value-based care, and market dynamics. These efforts are crucial for businesses to position themselves as catalysts of innovation and value creation within evolving healthcare ecosystems.
Impact of Off-Patent Products

As we approach 2030, numerous corporations are on the verge of encountering patent expirations that currently safeguard revenues of a substantial portion of their product offerings, including pacemakers, implantable defibrillators, insulin pumps, and certain stents. This impending wave of expirations suggests an imminent surge in competition from generic and biosimilar alternatives, posing a challenge to the established dominance of traditional firms. These enterprises, often hesitant to invest in innovative R&D initiatives, now face a critical decision point where they must evolve or risk losing their competitive edge. To effectively manage this impending challenge, companies need to revamp their people operations and talent management strategies.
In the race to swiftly bring new products to market, speed is critical. Traditional firms that have been slow to adapt must streamline their processes, remove bureaucratic bottlenecks, and cultivate a culture of rapid prototyping and iteration. This necessitates a workforce characterised by adaptability, resilience, and a commitment to excellence. Individuals must be empowered to foster innovation, embrace ambiguity, and view failure as an aspect of the innovation journey. Essentially, the impact of off-patent products suggests a new era of heightened competition and significant challenges for some traditional businesses. To excel in this environment, they should consider restructuring their people operations to foster innovation, differentiation, and agility. Only through such a culture can MedTechs hope to maintain their leading position amidst the evolving healthcare landscape.
Enhanced Efficiency through Automation

Projections from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) paint a concerning picture of the transformative impact of technology on the global workforce, with the healthcare sector positioned at the forefront of this anticipated evolution. As technological advancements become more prevalent, traditional roles within healthcare are likely to undergo transformations. Repetitive tasks, which have historically defined many healthcare professions, are progressively being assigned to automated systems. This shift liberates professionals to focus on tasks that necessitate human expertise and empathy.
For conventional firms, embracing this shift is not just a suggestion but a necessity for survival and prosperity. They must proactively equip their people with the necessary skills and proficiencies. This goes beyond technical competence and requires a shift in mindset and approach. Human capital strategies should foster a culture of collaboration with intelligent systems, leveraging individual talents to fuel innovation and boost productivity. Traditional enterprises must enhance their operations and services through advanced technologies. By integrating smart solutions throughout manufacturing, supply chain management, and product development workflows, MedTechs can unlock significant degrees of efficiency, scalability, and adaptability. Moreover, this integration can enhance the performance and functionalities of services, delivering added value to healthcare providers and patients. However, the rise of intelligent systems presents both challenges and opportunities for corporations. Embracing these advancements and investing in the necessary skills and technologies allow organisations to broaden their horizons and generate additional value, which is essential for sustained growth.
Cost Pressures and Value-Based Care

The significant rise in global healthcare spending, now exceeding an annual sum of US$8trn, has catalysed a transformative shift towards value-based care. This innovative approach prioritises the improvement of patient outcomes together with efforts to contain costs, marking a departure from the traditional reimbursement model, which is based on the provision of medical services. Within the framework of value-based care, conventional measures of success, like procedure volumes or sales figures, give way to more comprehensive evaluations that encompass patient wellbeing, enhancements in quality of life, and the effective reduction of expenses.
For traditional corporations, adapting to this new reality necessitates a reorientation of their people towards value creation. This goes beyond innovating products and requires a fresh approach that integrates considerations of efficacy, efficiency, and patient-centeredness into all operational facets. Employees must be empowered to transcend conventional boundaries and collaborate across functions to develop solutions that meet the needs of patients and healthcare providers. Additionally, MedTechs should invest in their human capital to enable all staff to illustrate the value proposition of the company’s products in tangible terms. This may involve employing data analytics to quantify the impact of products on patient outcomes, conducting real-world studies to validate effectiveness across various clinical settings, and adopting transparent pricing practices aligned with the value delivered. Moreover, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation is important, where employees are encouraged to challenge conventions, experiment with new methods, and learn from both successes and setbacks. By embracing this mindset, companies are better positioned to drive sustained value creation, ensuring their relevance and competitiveness in an increasingly value-driven healthcare landscape.

With technological advancements and market shifts, the need for traditional MedTech companies to upgrade their capabilities cannot be emphasised enough. The convergence of automation technologies, evolving healthcare systems, patent expirations, and the transition to value-based care present both challenges and opportunities. Failure to adapt quickly to such shifts puts these companies at risk of being relegated to obscurity in an increasingly competitive market. The rapid pace of technological advancement, exemplified by emerging automation tools driven by AI and big data, requires people capable of harnessing these technologies to drive forward efficiencies and innovations. Furthermore, as healthcare systems evolve towards decentralised care, preventative measures, and patient-centric approaches, a deep understanding of new care paradigms and patient requirements becomes increasingly necessary. The expiration of patents emphasises the urgency for companies to cultivate innovation, differentiation, and adaptability. This entails empowering all employees to take ownership of change, think disruptively, and accelerate product development cycles. Moreover, the transition to value-based care necessitates a pivot towards outcome-driven, cost-effective, and patient-centric models. Traditional success metrics should be replaced with more nuanced measures of value, with people equipped with the necessary skills to demonstrate tangible value propositions. In essence, the transformation of traditional human capital policies is not just strategic, but a requirement for survival. By investing in people operations focused on innovation, collaboration, and value creation, enterprises can position themselves as leaders in the healthcare systems of tomorrow. Only by fully embracing this transformative journey can MedTechs succeed amidst the disruptive forces reshaping the industry.
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  • MedTech ESG reporting is transitioning from compliance to strategic value creation
  • Increasingly MedTech leaders recognise ESG's role beyond compliance, focusing on sustainability and social responsibility
  • The significance of ESG criteria in healthcare procurement decisions is increasingly acknowledged
  • MedTech leaders are embracing circularity, energy efficiency, and waste reduction to differentiate their companies, capture market share and add value
The Shifting Landscape of ESG Reporting in the MedTech Industry
The MedTech industry is witnessing an evolution in its attitudes and practices regarding ESG reporting. ESG, short for environmental, social, and governance reporting, encompasses a set of standards defining criteria within these areas. These criteria serve as benchmarks for socially conscious individuals and stakeholders to evaluate the ethical stance of organisations. In their analysis, those engaging in investments are increasingly integrating these non-financial factors to assess both risks and growth prospects. Once considered primarily as a means of compliance, ESG reporting is now emerging as a strategic imperative for value creation and differentiation. This transformation reflects a broader societal shift towards sustainability, ethics, and responsible corporate behaviour. However, despite this momentum, the MedTech sector faces challenges and opportunities in fully integrating ESG considerations into its operations.
In this Commentary
This Commentary describes the evolving landscape of ESG reporting within the MedTech industry, highlighting its transformation from a compliance-driven activity to a strategic imperative for value creation and differentiation. We mention how increasing pressure from stakeholders and a broader societal shift towards sustainability have influenced this change in mindset, despite the sector's historical focus on regulatory compliance and product innovation. Through insights from recent surveys and industry analysis, we uncover the growing recognition of ESG's relevance among healthcare providers and the opportunities it presents for MedTech leaders to differentiate their enterprises. Additionally, we address the challenges faced by the industry in fully integrating ESG considerations into its operations, ranging from complex supply chains to regulatory constraints. Finally, we make some suggestions for enhancing the effectiveness of ESG reporting, emphasising the importance of standardisation, enhanced disclosure, and investor engagement. Through this exploration, we describe some actionable insights for MedTech leaders navigating the shifting landscape of ESG reporting to drive sustainable growth and long-term value creation.
Navigating the Evolving Landscape of ESG Reporting in MedTechs

Historically, the MedTech industry has lagged sectors like industrials and technology in prioritising ESG reporting. While these industries have long recognised the importance of sustainability and ethical business practices, MedTechs have traditionally focused more on regulatory compliance and product innovation. However, recent years have witnessed a significant change in this narrative.
Driven by increasing pressure from investors, customers, and regulatory bodies, the industry is now acknowledging the importance of addressing sustainability and social responsibility concerns. This shift in mindset is further driven by the realisation of the potential impact of MedTech products and operations on environmental and social issues. Despite progress, the industry grapples with challenges such as complex supply chains, regulatory constraints, and unique ethical dilemmas inherent in healthcare delivery.
A recent (2023) survey undertaken by Bain, a consulting firm, underscores the growing recognition of ESG's significance among healthcare providers. The findings reveal a widespread anticipation of an uptick in the importance of ESG criteria in procurement decisions over the next five years. Notably, while certain factors like corruption, transparency, and employee safety are already deemed essential, others such as diversity, equity, inclusion, and environmental sustainability are positioned to gain prominence.
In this rapidly changing ecosystem, MedTech companies have an opportunity to distinguish themselves by embracing ESG initiatives that deliver tangible value. Practices such as circularity [production and consumption, which involves sharing, reusing, and repairing existing materials and products], energy efficiency improvements, and waste reduction resonate strongly with customers across different regions. Moreover, the Bain research highlights a spectrum of ESG leadership among MedTech companies, suggesting room for differentiation and competitive advantage.
As ESG continues to increase in importance, industry leaders should consider adopting a proactive approach to value creation. This involves strategic decisions on meeting minimum requirements to mitigate risk while also investing in areas that exceed industry standards. By focusing on selected areas of ESG differentiation, companies can not only win over procurement leaders but also capture significant market share in the evolving environment of healthcare procurement.
ESG Reporting in MedTechs

For MedTechs, ESG reporting serves the purpose of ensuring socially responsible and sustainable operations while driving healthcare innovation. Environmental concerns involve minimising waste, energy consumption, and carbon emissions, as well as encouraging eco-friendly materials and sustainable packaging practices. Social considerations encompass labour practices, diversity and inclusion, community engagement, and the imperative of prioritising employee wellbeing while maintaining standards across supply chains. Governance pertains to internal policies, leadership structures, transparency, and accountability mechanisms, ensuring ethical behaviour and regulatory compliance. By integrating ESG principles, enterprises not only mitigate risks but also enhance their reputation, attract investors, and contribute positively to society and the environment while advancing healthcare innovation. ESG reporting is pivotal for MedTechs, showcasing accountability, transparency, and sustainability efforts. It enhances reputation and trust among stakeholders, aids in effective risk management, provides access to capital, drives innovation and competitive advantage, ensures regulatory compliance, and fosters shareholder engagement. Ultimately, ESG reporting aligns financial performance with positive social and environmental impacts, supporting MedTech's pursuit of sustainable growth and long-term value creation for all stakeholders.
Challenges in ESG Reporting

The absence of standardised frameworks and metrics hinders comparison of ESG performance among MedTech companies, making it difficult for stakeholders to assess sustainability and social responsibility accurately. Without clear standards and oversight, there is a risk of greenwashing where companies exaggerate or misrepresent their environmental or social initiatives to appear more responsible than they are, undermining the credibility of ESG reporting. Despite its increased emphasis, some MedTechs provide limited or selective information, particularly regarding social and governance practices, complicating stakeholders' ability to gauge a company's societal impact fully.
Implementing effective ESG reporting faces several challenges, including cost and complexity. It can be expensive and resource-intensive, particularly for smaller companies with limited budgets and capacity. It requires investment in data collection, analysis, and reporting systems, as well as specialised expertise to interpret and communicate ESG performance effectively. Furthermore, ESG ratings and assessments frequently involve subjectivity and depend on various methodologies and criteria, resulting in discrepancies and confusion among those involved. This absence of standardisation presents challenges for investors, consumers, and other interested parties in accurately comparing the ESG performance of various companies.
Furthermore, ESG reporting is largely unregulated, allowing companies to choose what and how they disclose information, leading to inconsistencies in reporting practices and undermining the credibility and reliability of ESG disclosures. Conflicts of interest, such as consulting relationships between rating agencies and the companies they evaluate, may influence ESG ratings and assessments, raising concerns about objectivity and independence. Data collection can be challenging, particularly for MedTechs with complex operations and supply chains, requiring robust data collection processes, verification mechanisms, and transparency in reporting practices.
Integrating ESG considerations into business strategy and decision-making entails alignment across various functions and levels of the organisation, which can be demanding, particularly if ESG goals clash with short-term financial objectives or if there is limited comprehension of the business case for sustainability. Effective ESG reporting also demands meaningful engagement with various parties, including investors, employees, customers, communities, and civil society organisations. However, practices related to engaging stakeholders may exhibit inconsistencies or inadequacies, resulting in gaps in understanding and addressing key ESG issues.
Tackling these challenges necessitates concerted efforts from companies, investors, regulators, and other interested parties to enhance transparency, standardisation, and accountability in ESG reporting practices. This might entail establishing industry-wide standards and guidelines, reinforcing regulatory oversight, improving data quality and verification processes, and promoting increased collaboration and engagement among involved parties.
Enhancing the Effectiveness of ESG Reporting

To enhance the effectiveness of ESG reporting and leverage it as a strategic tool for positive change and to add value, consider: (i) Fostering the development and adoption of standardised frameworks and reporting guidelines for ESG disclosure. Collaborate with industry associations, regulatory bodies, and standard-setting organisations to promote consistency and comparability in ESG reporting practices. Support initiatives aimed at harmonising its requirements across jurisdictions to streamline compliance and enable meaningful cross-border comparisons. (ii) Advocate for stronger regulatory mandates regarding ESG disclosure, including the mandatory reporting of material ESG risks, opportunities, and performance indicators. Encourage your company to provide detailed and transparent ESG disclosures, encompassing quantitative data, targets, and progress toward sustainability objectives. Promote the adoption of integrated reporting frameworks that merge financial and ESG information to offer a comprehensive view of your company's performance and value creation. (iii) Develop educational programmes and training initiatives to underscore the significance of ESG factors in decision-making, risk management, and the establishment of long-term strategic value. Cultivate productive dialogue and interaction between your company and interested parties on ESG matters, encouraging avenues for shareholder resolutions, proxy voting, and direct engagement with board members and management. Advocate the integration of ESG considerations into investment processes, asset allocation strategies, and stewardship activities, including the integration of ESG criteria into investment policies and portfolio construction.
By implementing these recommendations, stakeholders can collaborate to bolster ESG reporting practices, enhance transparency and accountability, and foster sustainable business approaches that deliver enduring value for investors, companies, and society at large.

The MedTech industry is experiencing a shift in its approach to ESG reporting, moving beyond compliance to embrace it as a strategic tool for value creation and differentiation. This transformation reflects a broader societal trend towards sustainability, ethics, and responsible corporate behaviour. While historically lagging other sectors in prioritising ESG reporting, recent years have seen MedTech companies recognising the significance of sustainability and social responsibility, driven by pressure from investors, customers, and regulators. Despite facing unique challenges such as complex supply chains and regulatory constraints, the industry is increasingly acknowledging the potential impact of its products and operations on environmental and social issues. The growing recognition of ESG's relevance, as evidenced by surveys indicating its increasing importance in procurement decisions, underscores the need for companies to embrace ESG initiatives that deliver tangible value. By focusing on areas such as circularity, energy efficiency, and waste reduction, MedTechs can differentiate themselves in the market and gain a competitive advantage. Furthermore, there are opportunities for leaders in the field to proactively invest in surpassing prevailing standards, thus seizing market share, and fostering sustained value creation in the evolving landscape of healthcare procurement. As ESG continues to rise in importance, embracing these principles will not only enhance the reputation and sustainability of MedTech companies but also contribute to positive societal and environmental outcomes.
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  • Effective MedTech leadership in the next decade requires adept navigation of companies through evolving markets, technological advancements, and simultaneous management of established legacy businesses
  • Historically, MedTech leaders have been drawn from a limited pool, potentially slowing effective adaptation to new technologies, and markets
  • This has allowed tech giants to disrupt the sector, emphasising a shift from the development of physical devices to integrated healthcare solutions
  • The 4th industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) is crucial in facilitating the transformation, breaking down traditional boundaries between medical devices, pharmaceuticals, software, and patient data
  • Executives with experience in service-based sectors adjacent to MedTech may be better equipped to lead, leveraging their tech-centric background to capitalise on digital technologies and big data strategies for successful adaptation and thriving in the evolving healthcare ecosystem
Is MedTech Entering a New Era of Leadership and Purpose-Driven Innovation?
MedTech leadership is at a crossroads, demanding a strategic overhaul to tackle unprecedented sector changes anticipated over the next decade. Navigating this evolving landscape requires reconciling traditional manufacturing expertise and cutting-edge digital capabilities. A forward-thinking CEO with digital acumen is pivotal for innovation, yet the complexities of manufacturing and stringent regulatory frameworks remain crucial. In response, it seems reasonable to suggest that a collaborative leadership approach would be optimal, pairing a visionary CEO with digital expertise alongside a seasoned COO well-versed in manufacturing and regulatory compliance. This, would not only alleviate the burden on a single leader but also combine the strengths of both domains, fostering a more resilient leadership model. By strategically aligning these skill sets, MedTech companies would be better positioned to adeptly bridge the gap between tradition and digital evolution amid the complexities of an increasingly competitive market.

Historically, MedTech leadership, drawn from a limited pool of individuals, may fall short in ensuring commercial success in the coming decade. The sector's reluctance to swiftly embrace emerging technologies has created an opening for tech giants to disrupt it, mirroring the upheavals witnessed in financial markets.
 To thrive, MedTech companies must shift from developing physical devices to strategically promoting integrated healthcare solutions and services. The 4th Industrial Revolution, (Industry 4.0) plays a pivotal role in this evolution, breaking down traditional boundaries between medical devices, pharmaceuticals, software, and patient data. It reshapes connections among the physical, biological, and digital realms within the healthcare sector, emphasising advanced data and digitalisation strategies.

In this paradigm shift, traditional MedTech executives may find themselves ill-equipped to lead effectively. Executives from adjacent service-based sectors, with a tech-centric background, seem better positioned to spearhead this transformation. Leveraging their expertise, these leaders can adeptly capitalise on digital technologies and utilise big data strategies to navigate and adapt business models. Strategic leadership from executives with a tech-centric background is essential for MedTech companies to survive and thrive in the future.
In this Commentary
This Commentary has two parts. Part 1: The MedTech Market describes opportunities and challenges within the evolving dynamic global market. Part 2: Navigating MedTech’s Evolutionary Challenges, examines the limitations of current MedTech leadership, suggesting a shift towards diverse skills, backgrounds, and perspectives. Future MedTech leaders need expertise in digital technologies, data analytics, and innovative business models, coupled with an understanding of global markets and a compelling sense of purpose to engage and inspire Generation Zs. Takeaways raise the likelihood that existing MedTech executives may be ill-equipped for upcoming industry transformations, highlighting the potential of leaders from service-based sectors with proven strategic agility and innovation.
Part 1
The MedTech Market

Currently, MedTech is undergoing a transformation, and shedding its traditional conservative image. The industry's growth is driven by various factors, such as the aging global population, an uptick in chronic diseases, and an increasing trust in medical devices among clinicians and consumers, which has fostered stronger collaborations between MedTech and pharmaceutical companies. Although the US and the EU continue to be significant contributors to MedTech markets, they face hurdles, including increasingly stringent regulations, shifts in reimbursement policies, and elevated costs linked to advanced medical technologies.
About two decades ago, foreseeing constraints, some large MedTechs like Johnson & Johnson (J&J), Abbott, and Medtronic, strategically established manufacturing and research and development (R&D) centres in emerging markets such as Brazil, China, and India. Back then, these markets were undergoing substantial growth, fuelled by burgeoning middle-class populations with an increasing demand for improved healthcare services. This situation not only presented strategic opportunities for continuous expansion but also served as a buffer against the escalating difficulties experienced by MedTechs in the more mature Western markets.
Despite facing challenges, the global MedTech market continues to be a promising arena for growth and innovation, extending its reach across diverse sectors and geographies. Projections indicate that its global revenues will reach ~US$610bn in 2024, with an anticipated compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of ~5.2%. This trajectory points towards a substantial market volume of ~US$748bn by 2028. The US stands as the primary revenue contributor, expected to reach ~US$216bn in 2024. Historically, MedTech business models have predominantly targeted affluent markets in the US, Western Europe, and Japan, comprising only ~13% of the world's population but holding a significant market share. This historical skew allowed MedTech leaders to focus their marketing efforts on healthcare providers in prosperous developed regions, benefitting from favourable fee for service reimbursement policies. Notwithstanding, recent years have witnessed a tightening of the wealthy Western markets.
In the coming decade, MedTech sectors in emerging regions are set to experience significant growth. For example, in 2024 China's MedTech revenues are anticipated to realise ~US$46bn, with a projected CAGR to 2028 of ~7.5%. This growth trajectory is expected to culminate in a market volume of ~US$61bn in the near term. In the face of dynamic shifts, MedTech leaders are confronted with the challenge of recalibrating their strategies to ensure sustained success amid challenging global politico-economic conditions and the use of more demanding outcome-based healthcare reimbursement models in traditional wealthy Western markets.

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Healthcare 2040

Following a peak in late 2021, MedTech stocks faced a setback around mid-2022, losing a significant portion of the gains accumulated during the Covid-19 pandemic. By July 2023, growth had slowed, with MedTech valuations showing only a modest increase of ~22% compared to January 2020. During this period, trading multiples experienced a decline, dropping from a peak of ~16x in September 2021 to ~7x by mid-2023, falling below the industry's 10-year average of ~8x.
Although there have been some recent improvements, the 2023 EY, Pulse of the MedTech Industry Report raised concerns about challenges ahead for the sector. In the post-Covid landscape, the industry is grappling with significant hurdles, including a notable decline in public valuations and ~30% decrease in financing. These challenges manifest in various aspects, such as a downturn in special-purpose acquisition company (SPAC) deals, a substantial decrease in the total value of initial public offerings (IPOs), and a slump of ~21% in venture capital (VC) funding. Compounding these issues is a decline of ~44% in merger and acquisition (M&A) activity.
Traditionally, M&A has played a crucial role for MedTechs, contributing to scale, operational leverage, financial performance, product portfolio diversification, improved therapeutic solutions, and international expansion - all while maintaining core manufacturing structures and strategies. Moreover, post-Covid, revenue growth has experienced a significant dip, dropping from ~16% in 2021 to ~3.5% in 2022, and remaining flat in 2023. The anticipated future growth of ~5% may encounter challenges due to a potential scarcity of new disruptive product offerings. These challenges have implications for equity investment, which hit a seven-year low in 2023, declining by ~27% to ~US$14bn. Notably this impacts smaller, innovation-driven firms.

A positive recent trend is the rapid growth of digital health with expected global revenues set to reach ~US$194bn by 2024, with a projected CAGR of ~9% from 2024 to 2028, which would deliver a market volume of ~US$275bn by 2028. China leads in global revenue generation for digital health, reaching ~US$53bn in 2024. However, many large diversified MedTechs with legacy products in slow-growing markets have yet to capitalise on this trend.
MedTech stands at a critical juncture, navigating challenges that necessitate a strategic overhaul for sustained success. The decline in key financial indicators and the sluggish pace of innovation pose significant threats, obliging leaders to embrace transformative strategies and capitalise on emerging trends, particularly in digital health, to secure a resilient future.

Part 2
Navigating MedTech’s Evolutionary Challenges

Changes in the MedTech landscape introduce difficulties for executives striving to stay abreast of technological advances and transformative shifts, particularly in emerging economies. Compounding these obstacles is the prevalence of middle-aged men in leadership roles, perpetuating traditional management styles that may impede the necessary adaptations required for growth.

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Redefining Leadership In The Evolving Landscape Of MedTech

Despite women constituting >50% of the MedTech workforce and significantly influencing healthcare decisions, they are underrepresented in executive positions. Addressing these disparities is not just a moral obligation but a strategic imperative to unlock the full potential by embracing diverse perspectives and talents. The historical contributions of women in healthcare underscores the urgency of closing the gender gap in MedTech leadership.
Further complicating matters is the median age of C-suite executives; ~56. This demographic nearing retirement, suggests that many company leaders embarked on their professional journeys before the pervasive influence of the Internet, email, and the rise of social media platforms, creating a technological generation gap. The sector's historical reliance on affluent markets in the US and Europe, coupled with fee-for-service healthcare policies, poses challenges in adapting to emerging markets and reimbursement policies centred on patient outcomes.
The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) into medical devices adds another layer of complexity, necessitating a paradigm shift. However, this transformation proves challenging for traditional leaders, given that these impactful changes unfolded during the mature phases of their careers. Notably, out of ~691 FDA-approved algorithms functioning as medical devices, ~35% received clearance in 2022 and 2023. Despite the urgent need for adaptation, persistent leadership obstacles hinder progress, particularly in understanding and aligning with the fluidity of rapidly evolving technologies in new markets.
MedTech leaders face challenges in understanding the dynamics of emerging markets, especially in economically vibrant regions like Brazil, India, China, and sizable African nations. These areas experience economic development and a growing middle class, leading to increased demand for advanced healthcare. The global acumen gap is further intensified by a lack of first-hand experience among these professionals in these regions, presenting a hurdle to effective guidance. Consequently, many MedTech executives seem to struggle with delivering impactful direction, given the disconnect with transformative trends in emerging markets and advancing technologies. Addressing these perspective and knowledge gaps requires more than incremental adjustments; it calls for a shift in mindset and a recalibration.
Significant changes in MedTech call for a departure from traditional top-down directives towards an empowering leadership style. The sector now demands a new breed of leaders - tech savvy individuals with global experience capable of understanding and connecting with the needs and aspirations of Generation Z employees. This demographic shift in the workforce requires leaders who not only comprehend evolving technologies but also align with the values and expectations of today's highly skilled, young professionals. Beyond the pursuit of shareholder value, this demographic craves purpose-driven leadership and seeks companies with a clear sense of mission and societal impact. In this context, MedTech companies face a stark choice: adapt to lead with purpose or risk being left behind.

The future leadership of MedTech companies stands at a critical juncture as it is potentially faced with unprecedented changes over the next decade. While the necessity of a forward-looking CEO with digital acumen is essential for strategic innovation, the persisting challenges of manufacturing and regulatory frameworks highlight the need for a more collaborative leadership approach. To address this, we have proposed a strategic collaboration between a visionary CEO equipped with digital expertise and a seasoned COO skilled in manufacturing and compliance. It seems reasonable to assume that this would not only ease the burden on a single individual but also harness the strengths of both, fostering a more resilient leadership approach. Further, it recognises that navigating change demands a balance between embracing digital evolution and maintaining a strong foundation in traditional manufacturing and regulatory compliance. Future MedTech leaders must be able to bridge knowledge and perspective gaps, align with emerging technologies, and connect with the aspirations of the evolving workforce. The shift towards a more empowering leadership style, coupled with an understanding of Industry 4.0 principles and the dynamics of emerging markets, is essential for sustained success in a rapidly evolving market.

The urgency for MedTech leaders to adopt a forward-thinking, adaptable, and purpose-driven approach cannot be overstressed. The industry's capacity to allure and retain talent, foster innovation, and make substantial contributions to global healthcare pivots on a commitment to purposeful leadership and the incorporation of transformative strategies. In this demanding journey, the judicious collaboration between a forward-looking CEO and a traditional COO emerges as a strategic imperative, ensuring a comprehensive and resilient leadership model that can thrive in the next decade. 
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  • Since 2000 healthcare has been transformed by genomics, AI, the internet, robotics, and data-driven solutions
  • Traditional providers, anchored in outdated technologies, struggle to keep pace with the evolving healthcare landscape
  • Over the next two decades anticipate another seismic shift, bringing further disruptions to medical technology and healthcare delivery
  • In the face of this imminent transformation, risk-averse leaders may cling to outdated portfolios, showing little interest in adapting to a 2040 healthcare ecosystem
  • Providers must decide; embrace change now and thrive in a transformed healthcare landscape, or stick to the status quo and risk losing value and competitiveness
Healthcare 2040

By 2040, the landscape of healthcare will have undergone a seismic shift, discarding antiquated models in favour of cutting-edge AI-genomic-data-driven approaches that will radically change both medical technology and healthcare delivery. This transformation signifies a departure from the conventional one-size-fits-all system, ushering in an era of targeted therapies grounded in molecular-level insights that challenge entrenched healthcare paradigms. The evolving healthcare narrative emphasises prevention, wellbeing, personalised care, and heightened accessibility. This departure from the norm is not a trend but a significant reconfiguration, where the fusion of biomedical science, technology, and expansive datasets merge to facilitate early detection and proactive interventions. This not only deepens our comprehension of diseases but also elevates the efficacy of therapies. At the core of this transformation is the empowerment of individuals within a framework that champions choice and fosters virtual communities. Genetic advancements, far from just addressing hereditary conditions, play an important role in enhancing diagnostic accuracy, optimising patient outcomes, and fundamentally shifting the focus from reactive diagnosis and treatment to a proactive commitment to prevention and holistic wellbeing. The indispensable roles played by genomics and AI-driven care in reshaping healthcare are not isolated occurrences; they will catalyse the emergence of new data-intensive R&D enterprises, which are poised to redefine the healthcare landscape against a backdrop of multifaceted influencing factors. Successfully navigating this transformative period necessitates a distinct set of capabilities and strategic alignment with an envisioned 2040 healthcare environment.

Providers find themselves at a crossroads, confronted with a choice: adapt and thrive or risk losing value and competitiveness in a rapidly evolving landscape. Recognising potential resistance to change and the scarcity of pertinent capabilities, leaders of traditional enterprises must acknowledge that immediate strategic action is not just beneficial but a prerequisite for success in the redefined healthcare ecosystem of 2040. The urgency of this call to action cannot be overstated, as the window of opportunity for adaptation narrows with each passing moment.

In this Commentary

This Commentary aims to help healthcare professionals to strategically reposition their organizations for success in the next two decades. Leaders must evaluate their strengths and weaknesses in the context of an envisioned future and implement strategies to align their organisations with the demands of a rapidly changing health ecosystem. Failure to do so will dent enterprises’ competitiveness and threaten their survival. Leaders should anticipate and address resistance to change among executives with a preference for the status quo. The Commentary has two sections: Part 1, Looking Back 20 Years, describes the scale and pace of change since 2000 and emphasises how genomics, the internet, AI, digitalization, data-driven solutions, robotics, telehealth, outpatient services, personalised care, ubiquitous communications, and strategic responses to demographic shifts have transformed medical technology and healthcare delivery. Part 2, Looking Forward 20 Years, seeks to stimulate discussions about the future of healthcare. While we highlight a range of factors positioned to impact medical technology and healthcare deliver in the future, we emphasise the significance of genomics, varied and vast datasets, and AI. We suggest the emergence of specialised agile, AI-driven research boutiques with capabilities to leverage untapped genomic, personal, and medical data. The proliferation of such entities will oblige traditional healthcare enterprises to reduce their R&D activities and concentrate on manufacturing. Over the next 20 years, anticipate an accelerated shift towards patient-centric, cell-based prevention and wellbeing care modalities, large hospitals replaced with smaller hubs of medical excellence, the rapid growth of outpatient centres, and the acceleration of home care and care-enabled virtual communities. The future dynamic healthcare ecosystem necessitates stakeholders to change immediately if they are to survive and prosper. Takeaways posit a choice for healthcare leaders: either stick to the status quo and risk losing value and competitiveness or embrace change and stay relevant.
Part 1
Looking Back 20 Years

Reflecting on the past two decades shows the rapid evolution and interplay of factors shaping medical technology and healthcare delivery. Appreciating the speed and scale of change helps to envision the future. Factors such as genomics, the Internet, AI, robotics, digitalisation, data-driven health solutions, telehealth, outpatient services, home care, personalised wellbeing, ubiquitous personal telephony, and strategic responses to demographic shifts have all influenced medical technology and healthcare delivery and will continue to do so in the future. Here we describe a few of these factors.

The completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 was a pivotal moment in the direction of medical advancement, laying the foundations for the emergence of genomics. Genomics, encapsulating the mapping, sequencing, and analysis of DNA, is a pivotal tool for unravelling molecular information, variations, and their implications in both traits and diseases. This achievement not only transformed biomedical research but also changed healthcare, shifting it from a generic one-size-fits-all approach to finely tuned care tailored to the unique genetic makeup of individuals.

Over the past two decades, the decoding of the human genetic blueprint has provided unprecedented insights into diseases at the molecular level, triggering a paradigm shift in medicine. This ushered in an era of personalised and precision approaches to diagnoses, treatments, and prevention. From the advent of targeted therapies to the implementation of genetic screening, genomic research has had a transformative influence and is positioned to continue its impact on healthcare.

Indeed, genomic testing has become a standard practice, and US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved genomic care modalities have advanced medicine. For example, pharmacogenonics tailors drug treatments to individual patients by utilising genetic information, with FDA-approved tests for specific biomarkers that predict medication responses. Hereditary assessments evaluate an individual's cancer risk based on genetic makeup, such as identifying BRCA gene mutations linked to elevated risks of breast and ovarian cancers. Gene expression profiling analyses a patient's tumour genetics to guide targeted cancer therapies, with FDA-approved companion diagnostic tests for specific cancer treatments. Carrier testing identifies genetic mutations that could be passed on to children, which contribute to family planning and prenatal care. Pharmacodiagnostic tests help pinpoint patients that would benefit from specific drug treatments, predicting responses, especially in cancer therapies.

In 2012, the UK government inaugurated Genomics England, an initiative designed to spearhead the 100,000 Genomes Project, which aimed to sequence the genomes of 100,000 patients with infectious diseases and specific cancers. The project’s goals included the enhancement of our understanding of various genetic factors in diseases, the facilitation of targeted treatments and establishing a framework for the integration of genomics into everyday clinical practice. The successful completion of the project in 2018, provided a basis for genomic medicine and a deeper understanding of the genetic framework influencing health and disease.

In addition to genomic data, since 2000, there has been a significant increase in health-related data, driven by the proliferation of electronic health records (EHRs), developments in information management technologies, initiatives to improve healthcare efficiency, and enhanced communications among stakeholders. The growth in data has, in turn, created opportunities for the utilisation of AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms. Over the last two decades, AI has changed medical technology and healthcare delivery by enhancing diagnostics, personalising treatment plans, streamlining administrative tasks, and facilitating research through efficient data analysis, which has improved patient outcomes, and advanced the field. As of January 2023, the FDA has approved >520 AI and ML algorithms for medical use, which are primarily related to the analysis of medical images and videos. Indeed, the rise of algorithms has transformed healthcare, with many of them focusing on predictions using EHRs that do not require FDA approval.

In addition to EHRs there has been the evolution of wearable technologies like the Apple Watch and Fitbit, which have transformed personal health. Initially focusing on fitness tracking, these devices have expanded to monitor an array of health metrics. Over the years, they have amassed vast amounts of personalised data, ranging from activity levels to heart rate patterns. These data reservoirs are a goldmine for healthcare and wellbeing strategies, enabling individuals, healthcare professionals and providers to gain unprecedented insights into health trends, customised care routines, and the early detection of health issues. This combination of technology and health data has created opportunities for proactive healthcare management and personalised wellbeing interventions.

Targeted medicine not only benefitted from AI but also from personalised telephony, which experienced a significant boost in the early 2000s by the widespread internet access in households across the globe. The period was marked by the introduction of the iPad in 2001, closely followed by the launch of the iPhone. These innovations triggered widespread smartphone use and accessible internet connectivity, laying the foundations for the emergence of telehealth and telemedicine. In the early 2000s, global cell phone subscriptions numbered ~740m. Today, the figure is >8bn, surpassing the world's population. This increase was driven by the proliferation of broadband, the evolution of mobile technologies and the rise of social media, all contributing to the ubiquitous presence of the internet. By the 2010s, the internet had integrated into the daily lives of a substantial portion of the global population. Initially, in 2000, ~7% of the world’s population had access online. Contrastingly, today, >50% enjoy internet connectivity. In a similar vein, broadband access in American homes has surged from ~50% in 2000 to >90% in the present day. Personal telephony has evolved into an omnipresent force, and has become an integral part of billions of lives, actively enhancing health and wellbeing on a global scale. After 2010, patient-centric wellbeing evolved and later was helped by Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns, with telehealth and telemedicine offering remote consultations and treatments, empowering patients, and emphasising shared decision-making between healthcare providers and patients.

On a more prosaic level, consider how robotics has changed surgery over the past two decades by offering enhanced precision, reduced invasiveness, and improved recovery times. The use of robotic systems, like the da Vinci Surgical System, which gained FDA-approval in 2000, has allowed surgeons to perform complex procedures with greater accuracy. Between 2012 and 2022, the percentage of surgical procedures using robotic systems rose from 1.8% to 17%. Robotic surgery is becoming increasingly popular, with an annual growth rate of ~15%. In 2020, its global volume was 1.24m, with the US accounting for >70% of all robotic surgeries.

The shifting demographics over the past few decades, marked by decreasing birth rates, prolonged life expectancy, and immigration, has transformed prosperous industrial economies, resulting in a substantial rise in the proportion of the elderly population. For instance, in the US in 2000, there were ~35m citizens ≥65; today, this figure has risen to ~56m, ~17% of the population. Concurrently, there has been an increase of chronic lifetime illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and respiratory disorders. In 2000, ~125m Americans suffered from at least one chronic condition. Today, this figure has increased to ~133m - ~50% of the population. Simultaneously, there is a shrinking pool of health professionals. Research suggests that by 2030, there will be ~5m fewer physicians than society will require. This, together with ageing populations, the growing burden of chronic diseases and rising costs of healthcare globally are challenging governments, payers, regulators, and providers to innovate and transform medical technology and healthcare delivery.

Part 2
Looking Forward 20 Years

This section aims to encourage healthcare professionals to envision the future. Over the next two decades, medical technology and healthcare delivery are likely to be affected by numerous interconnected factors, which include: (i) continued progress in AI and ML, internet of things (IoT), robotics, nanotechnology, and biotechnology, (ii) advances in genomics, (iii) increasing availability of multi-modal data (genomics, economic, demographic, clinical and phenotypic) coupled with technology innovations, (iv) accelerated adoption of telemedicine and virtual monitoring technologies, (v) changes in healthcare regulations, (vi) an increase of patient-cantered care and greater patient involvement in decision-making, (vii) emerging infectious diseases, antimicrobial resistance, and other global health issues, (viii) Investments in healthcare infrastructure, both physical and digital, (ix) an evolving and shrinking healthcare workforce, including the further integration of AI technologies and changes in roles, (x) economic conditions and healthcare funding, (xi) the ethical use of technology, privacy concerns, and societal attitudes towards healthcare innovations, and (xii) environmental changes and their impact on health and wellbeing. Such factors and their interconnectivity are expected to drive significant healthcare transformation over the next two decades. Healthcare systems throughout the world are tasked with: (i) improving population health, (ii) enhancing patients’ therapeutic journeys and outcomes, (iii) strengthening caregivers’ experience and (iv) reducing the rising cost of care. There appears to be unanimous agreement among healthcare leaders that these goals will not be achieved by business as usual.
In November 2023, BTIG, a leading global financial services firm, organised its Digital Health Forum, bringing together >30 healthcare companies that offer a diverse range of products and services. During the event, executives discussed business models, reimbursement, and commercial strategies, and unanimously agreed that: "The market is primed for the mainstream integration of digital diagnostics and therapeutics."  Here we focus on the anticipated accelerated convergence of genomics and AI technologies, and foresee the emergence of agile, AI-driven R&D boutiques as key players in reshaping medical technology and healthcare delivery.
These dynamic research entities thrive on the power of data. Currently, ~79% of the hospital data generated annually goes untapped, and medical information is doubling every 73 days. This emphasises the vast latent potential within these repositories. Traditional enterprises and healthcare professionals, constrained by a dearth of data management capabilities, have struggled to unlock the full potential inherent in these vast stores of information. By contrast, the adept data processing capabilities of these new innovative enterprises position them strategically to harness untapped data sources, extracting valuable insights into disease states and refining treatment modalities. Moreover, they boast advanced technology stacks, seamless connections between semiconductors, software, and systems, and are well-prepared to leverage specialised generative AI applications as they emerge in the market. Armed with cutting-edge technology and extensive datasets, they stand ready to enhance diagnostic precision, streamline treatment approaches, and reduce overall healthcare costs. Private equity firms will be eager to invest in these disruptive AI start-ups, anticipating M&A activities focused on specific therapeutic areas that will make them appealing to public markets.

These innovative entities are set to expedite the introduction of disruptive solutions, improve patients' therapeutic journeys, and optimise outcomes while driving operational efficiencies. Anticipate them to overshadow their traditional counterparts, many of which have outdated legacy offerings and historically have treated R&D as small adjustments to existing portfolios. Given that many conventional healthcare enterprises have: (i) failed to keep pace with technological developments, (ii) a dearth of in-house data-handling capabilities, and (iii) no experience in data-heavy disruptive R&D, it seems reasonable to suggest that they will most likely retreat into their core manufacturing activities, relinquish their R&D roles and lose value.

In the forefront of seismic change, the integration of digitalisation, AI, and cutting-edge decision support tools propels the emerging agile, data-driven R&D enterprises into a pivotal role within the landscape of well-informed, personalised healthcare. Meticulously safeguarding sensitive information, these enterprises not only adhere to the highest standards of privacy but also elevate security measures through state-of-the-art encryption techniques and decentralised storage solutions. As staunch guardians of privacy, they go beyond conventional approaches, crafting data repositories that not only shield confidential information but also facilitate the seamless flow of critical insights crucial for advancing medical technology and elevating care delivery. The seamless synergy between vast genomic, economic, demographic, clinical, and phenotypic data repositories and advanced AI techniques is poised to radically change healthcare R&D, redirecting it away from refining traditional products towards disruptive endeavours. Moreover, these agile research entities are anticipated to encourage widespread industry cooperation, harnessing the power of diverse data sources to innovate health solutions and services that transcend boundaries, thereby playing an important role in shaping a borderless health and wellbeing ecosystem.

In the regulatory arena, a transformation is anticipated by 2040. Regulators are likely to evolve from enforcers to stewards of progress, collaborating with industry stakeholders to promote a consumer-centric healthcare. Advocating transparency, patients' rights, and ethical innovation, regulators will become influential drivers of progress, contributing to a shared and equitable healthcare future. This collaborative effort is expected to contribute to a data-driven healthcare ecosystem that prioritises individual wellbeing, innovation, and accessibility in equal measure.

By 2040, expect healthcare payers to have undergone a transformative change, fuelled by a seismic shift in medical technology and healthcare delivery. New payment models will prioritise individualised therapies and patient outcomes, leveraging real-time health data for customised coverage. AI will streamline administration, reduce costs, and enhance overall healthcare efficiency. Increased patient engagement and collaboration among payers, providers, and patients will drive a holistic, patient-centred approach, ultimately improving the quality and accessibility of healthcare services.

This section has emphasised the transformative forces of genomics and AI shaping a personalised healthcare ecosystem. While traditional medical technology and healthcare delivery may be predicated upon physical devices and a one-size-fits-all approach, the future lies in the fusion of data and smart software to accelerate targeted care, which marks a significant departure from the conventional.

The shift towards genomic-driven healthcare marks a transformation in the medical landscape expected by 2040. Moving away from outdated models, the trend towards personalised care, rooted in molecular insights, necessitates a revaluation from health professionals. This shift, facilitated by the fusion of biomedical science, advanced technologies, and vast amounts of varied data, foresees a future where prevention, individualised wellbeing, and improved accessibility become the new norm. The convergence of genomics and AI not only improves diagnostics and treatments but also points to prevention and overall wellness. This Commentary has highlighted the transformative impact of genomics and AI-driven healthcare at the cellular level, making way for data-intensive R&D enterprises that will shape the future of medical technology and healthcare delivery. The path to 2040 demands a departure from conventional norms of the past, requiring strategic realignment and specific capabilities. Traditional providers find themselves at a juncture: those that adapt to an envisioned care environment of 2040 are more likely to succeed, while those that resist risk becoming obsolete. By acknowledging potential obstacles to change and the scarcity of relevant capabilities, leaders are encouraged to recognise the urgency of strategic action as a prerequisite for success in the redefined healthcare landscape of 2040. The future is imminent, and the time for transformative readiness is now.
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MedTechs Battle with AI for Sustainable Growth and Enhanced Value
The medical technology industry has experienced significant growth, consistently surpassing the S&P index by ~15 percentage points. This success is rooted in the early 1990s, a time when capital was costly, with interest rates ~10%. However, as we moved closer to 1998, interest rates began to recede, settling just below 7%. This early era of growth was not devoid of challenges. The US was still grappling with the aftermath of the oil embargo imposed in 1973 by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), which was a response to the American government's support for Israel during the Yom Kippur War and had lasting consequences. The oil crisis triggered hyperinflation, leading to a rapid escalation in the prices of goods and services. In response, the US Federal Reserve (Fed) raised interest rates to a historic high of 17% in 1981, which was aimed at curbing inflation but came at the price of increasing the cost of borrowing. As we entered the 1990s, the landscape shifted. The Fed’s monetary policies began to work, inflation started to decline, and interest rates fell to ~10%, eventually dipping below 7% in 1998. This created conditions for increased investments in research and development (R&D) and the American economy blossomed and benefitted from the internet becoming mainstream. It was during this period that many medical technology companies developed innovative medical devices, which were not only disruptive but also found a receptive global market characterized by significant unmet needs and substantial entry barriers. In the ensuing years, the industry thrived and matured. Fast-forward to the present (2023), and we find ourselves in a different scenario. Over the past five years, numerous large, diversified MedTechs have struggled to deliver value. One explanation for this is that growth of these enterprises over the past three decades, except for the early years, was primarily driven by mergers and acquisitions (M&A), often at the expense of prioritizing R&D. Consequently, many large MedTechs did not leverage evolving technologies to update and renew their offerings and are now heavily reliant on slow-growth markets and aging product portfolios. Navigating a successful path forward would be helped by a comprehensive embrace of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) strategies, since these technologies possess the potential to transform how MedTechs operate, innovate, and serve their stakeholders.
In this Commentary

This Commentary explores the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in reshaping the future landscape of the MedTech industry in pursuit of sustainable growth and added value. We focus on the impact AI can have on transforming operational methodologies, fostering innovation, and enhancing stakeholder services. Our aim is to address five key areas: (i) Defining Artificial Intelligence (AI): Describes how AI differs from any other technology in history and sheds light on its relevance within the MedTech sector. (ii) Highlighting AI-Driven MedTech Success: In this section, we preview three leading corporations that have utilized AI to gain access to new revenue streams. (iii) Showcasing a Disruptive AI-Powered Medical Device: Here, we provide an overview of the IDx-DR system, an innovation that has brought disruptive change to the field of ophthalmology. (iv) The Potential Benefits of Full AI Integration for MedTechs: This section briefly describes 10 potential benefits that can be expected from a comprehensive embrace of AI by MedTechs. (v) Potential Obstacles to the Adoption of AI by MedTechs: Finally, we describe some obstacles that help to explain some MedTechs reluctance to embrace AI strategies. Despite the substantial advantages that AI offers, not many large, diversified enterprises have fully integrated these transformative technologies into their operations. Takeaways outline the options facing enterprises.
Part 1

Defining Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a ground-breaking concept that transcends the simulation of human intelligence. Unlike human cognition, AI operates devoid of consciousness, emotions, and feelings. Thus, it is indifferent to victory or defeat, tirelessly working without rest, sustenance, or encouragement. AI empowers machines to perform tasks once exclusive to human intelligence, including deciphering natural language, recognizing intricate patterns, making complex decisions, and iterating towards self-improvement. AI is significantly different to any technology that precedes it. It is the first instance of a tool with the unique capabilities of autonomous decision making and the generation of novel ideas. While all predecessor technologies augment human capabilities, AI takes power away from individuals.
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Unleashing MedTech's Competitive Edge through Transformational Technologies
AI employs various techniques, including machine learning (ML), neural networks, natural language processing, and robotics, enabling computers to autonomously tackle increasingly complex tasks. ML, a subset of AI, develops algorithms that learn, adapt, and improve through experience, rather than explicit programming. The technology’s versatile applications span image and speech recognition, recommendation systems, and predictive analytics. In the quest to comprehend the intersection of artificial and human intelligence, we encounter Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, which recently have gained prominence in corporate contexts. These advanced AI models grasp and generate human-like text by discerning patterns and context from extensive textual datasets. LLMs excel in language translation, content generation, and engaging in human-like conversations, effectively harnessing our linguistic abilities.

Part 2

Highlighting AI-Driven MedTech Success

This section briefly describes three examples of MedTechs that have successfully leveraged AI technologies to illustrate how AI’s growing influence drives improvements in accuracy, efficiency, patient outcomes and in the reduction of costs, which together, and in time, are positioned to transform healthcare.
Merative, formally Watson Health, a division of IBM that specialised in applying AI and data analytics to healthcare. In 2022, the company was acquired by Francisco Partners, an American  private equity firm, and rebranded Merative. The company leverages AI, ML, and LLMs to analyse extensive medical datasets that encompass patient records, clinical trials, medical literature, and genomic information. These technologies empower healthcare professionals by facilitating more informed decisions, identifying potential treatment options, and predicting disease outcomes. For instance, Merative employs ML to offer personalised treatment recommendations for cancer patients based on their medical histories and the latest research. Integrating LLMs enables natural language processing to extract insights from medical literature, helping healthcare providers stay current with scientific and medical advancements.
Google Health, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., focuses on using AI and data analysis to improve healthcare services and patient outcomes. It employs AI and ML to develop predictive models that can identify patterns and trends in medical data, which improve early disease detection and prevention. One notable application is in medical imaging, where the company's algorithms can assist radiologists to identify anomalies in X-rays, MRIs, and other images. LLMs are used to interpret and summarize medical documents, making it easier for healthcare professionals to access relevant information quickly. Google Health also works on projects related to drug discovery and genomics, leveraging ML to analyze molecular structures and predict potential drug candidates.
Medtronic is a global leader in medical technology, specializing in devices and therapies to treat various medical conditions. The company incorporates AI, ML, and LLMs into their devices and systems to enhance patient care. For instance, in the field of cardiology, Medtronic's pacemakers and defibrillators collect data on a patient's heart rhythms, which are then analyzed using AI algorithms to detect irregularities and adjust device settings accordingly. This real-time analysis helps to optimize patient treatment. Medtronic also employs AI in insulin pumps for diabetes management that can learn from a patient's blood sugar patterns and adjust insulin delivery accordingly. Additionally, LLMs are used to extract insights from electronic health records (EHR) and clinical notes, which help healthcare providers to make more personalized treatment decisions.
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Part 3

Showcasing a Disruptive AI-Powered Medical Device

AI has been applied to various medical imaging tasks, including interpreting radiological images like X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs and there are numerous AI-driven medical devices and systems that have emerged and evolved in recent years. As of January 2023, the US Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has approved >520 AI medical algorithms, the majority of which are related to medical imaging. Here we describe just one, the IDx-DR system, which was developed by Digital Diagnostics. In 2018, it became the first FDA-approved AI-based diagnostic system for detecting diabetic retinopathy. If left untreated, the condition can lead to blindness. Globally, the prevalence of the disease among people living with diabetes is ~27% and every year, >0.4m people go blind from the disorder. In 2021, globally there were ~529m people with diabetes, which is expected to double to ~1.31bn by 2050.
The IDx-DR device utilizes AI algorithms to analyze retinal images taken with a specialized camera and accurately detects the presence of retinopathy that occurs in individuals with diabetes when high blood sugar levels cause damage to blood vessels in the retina. Significantly, the device produces decisions without the need for retinal images to be interpreted by either radiologists or ophthalmologists, which allows the system to be used outside specialist centres, such as in primary care clinics. Advantages of the system include: (i) Early detection, which can improve outcomes and quality of life for individuals with diabetes. (ii) Efficiency. The system analyzes images quickly and accurately, providing results within minutes, which allows healthcare providers to screen a larger number of patients in a shorter amount of time. (iii) Reduced healthcare costs. By detecting retinopathy at an early stage, the system helps prevent costly interventions, such as surgeries and treatments for advanced stages of the disease, which can lead to significant cost savings for healthcare systems. (iv) Patient convenience. Patients undergo retinal imaging as part of their regular diabetes check-ups, reducing the need for separate appointments with eye specialists, which encourages enhanced compliance.

Part 4

The Potential Benefits of Full AI Integration for MedTechs

Large, diversified MedTechs stand to gain significant benefits by fully embracing AI technologies that extend across all aspects of their operations, innovation, and overall value propositions. In this section we briefly describe 10 such advantages, which include enhanced innovation, improved patient outcomes, increased operational efficiency, cost savings, and access to new revenue streams. Companies that harness the full potential of AI will be better positioned to thrive in the highly competitive and rapidly evolving healthcare industry.
1. Enhanced innovation and product development
AI technologies have the potential to enhance R&D endeavours. They accomplish this through the ability to dig deep into vast repositories of complex medical data, identifying patterns, and forecasting outcomes. This translates into a shorter timeline for the conception and creation of novel medical technologies, devices, and therapies. In essence, AI quickens the pace of innovation in healthcare. The capabilities of AI-driven simulations and modeling further amplifies its impact. These virtual tools enable comprehensive testing in a digital environment, obviating the need for protracted physical prototyping and iterative cycles, which can shorten the development phase and conserve resources, making the innovation process more cost-effective, and environmentally sustainable.
2. Improved patient outcomes
Beyond improving the research landscape, AI improves the quality of patient care by enhancing diagnostic precision through the analysis of medical images, patient data, and clinical histories. Early detection of diseases becomes more precise and reliable, leading to timelier intervention and improved patient outcomes. Additionally, AI facilitates the personalization of treatment recommendations, tailoring them to individual patient profiles and current medical research. This optimizes therapies and increases the chances of successful outcomes and improved patient wellbeing.
3. Efficient clinical trials
Increasingly AI algorithms are being used in clinical studies to identify suitable patient cohorts for participation in trials, effectively addressing recruitment challenges and streamlining participant selection. Further, predictive analytics play a role in enhancing the efficiency of trial design. By providing insights into trial protocols and patient outcomes, AI reduces both the time and costs associated with bringing novel medical technologies to market, which speeds up the availability of treatments and facilitates the accessibility of healthcare innovations to a broader population.
4. Operational efficiency
Operational efficiency is improved with the integration of AI technologies by refining operations. AI-driven supply chains and inventory management systems play a significant role in optimizing procurement processes. They analyze demand patterns, reduce wastage, and ensure the timely availability of critical supplies. By doing so, companies can maintain uninterrupted operations, enhancing their overall efficiency and responsiveness. Another component of operational efficiency lies in predictive maintenance, which can be improved by AI. Through continuous monitoring and data analysis, AI can predict equipment failures before they occur. Such a proactive approach minimizes downtime and ensures manufacturing facilities remain compliant and in optimal working condition. Consequently, healthcare providers experience improved operational efficiency, strengthened compliance, and a reduction in costly disruptions. The automation of routine tasks and processes via AI relieves healthcare professionals from repetitive duties and frees up resources that can be redirected towards more strategic and patient-centric initiatives. This reallocation reduces operational costs while enhancing the quality of care provided.
5. Cost savings
Beyond automation, AI-driven insights further uncover cost efficiencies within healthcare organizations. AI identifies areas where resource allocation and utilization can be optimized, which can result in cost reduction strategies that are both data-informed and effective. AI's potential extends to the generation of innovative revenue streams. Corporations can develop data-driven solutions and services that transcend traditional medical devices. For instance, offering AI-driven diagnostic services or remote patient monitoring solutions provides access to new revenue streams. Such services improve patient care and contribute to the financial sustainability of enterprises. Further, AI-enabled healthcare services lend themselves to subscription-based models, ensuring consistent and reliable revenue over time. Companies can offer subscription services that provide access to AI-powered diagnostics, personalized treatment recommendations, or remote monitoring, which have the capacity to diversify revenue streams and enhance longer-term financial stability.
6. New revenue streams
AI's ability to analyze vast datasets positions MedTechs to unravel the interplay of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that shape individual health profiles. With such knowledge, personalized treatment plans and interventions can be developed, ensuring that medical care is tailored to each patient's unique needs and characteristics. This level of customization optimizes outcomes and minimizes potential side effects and complications. AI's ability to process vast amounts of patient data and detect patterns, anomalies, and correlations, equips healthcare professionals with the knowledge needed to make more informed decisions. Such insights extend beyond individual care, serving as the basis for effective population health management and proactive disease prevention strategies. In short, AI transforms data into actionable intelligence, creating a basis for more proactive and efficient healthcare practices.
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Leaning-in on digital and AI
7. Regulatory compliance and safety
In an era of stringent healthcare regulations, AI is a reliable ally to ensure compliance and enhance safety standards. Through automation, AI streamlines documentation, data tracking, and quality control processes, reducing the risk of errors and oversights. Also, AI-powered systems excel in the early detection of anomalies and potential safety issues, which increase patient safety and the overall quality of healthcare solutions and services. This safeguards patient wellbeing and protects the reputation and credibility of companies.
8. Competitive advantage
MedTechs that are early adopters of AI stand to gain a distinct competitive advantage. They can offer AI-powered solutions and services that deliver superior clinical outcomes and improve overall patient experience. By harnessing the potential of AI, companies can position themselves as leaders in innovation and technological capabilities, likely drawing a loyal customer base, valuable partnerships, collaborations, and investments.
9. Talent attraction and retention
Embracing AI technologies also has an impact on talent attraction and retention. The allure of working on novel AI projects that improve lives attracts scarce tech-savvy professionals who seek to be part of dynamic, purposeful, and forward-thinking teams. Such talent contributes to a skilled workforce capable of extending the boundaries of AI innovation within MedTech companies. Further, fostering a culture of innovation through AI adoption encourages employee engagement and job satisfaction, leading to improved talent retention.
10. Long-term sustainability
The integration of AI goes beyond immediate advantages; it positions MedTechs for longer-term strategic growth and resilience. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, adaptability and innovation become more important. AI enables companies to adapt to changing market dynamics, navigate regulatory challenges, and remain relevant amidst industry transformations. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements, companies ensure their relevance and contribute to shaping the future healthcare landscape.
Part 5

Potential Obstacles to the Adoption of AI by MedTechs

The integration of AI technologies into numerous industries has demonstrated its potential to significantly enhance operations, improve R&D, and create new revenue streams. However, despite AI’s potential to contribute significant benefits for business enterprises, its adoption by many large, diversified medical technology companies has been limited and slow. This section describes some factors that help to explain the reluctance of senior MedTech executives to fully embrace AI technologies, which include an interplay of organizational, technical, and industry-specific issues. Without overcoming these obstacles, MedTechs risk losing the growth and value creation they once experienced in an earlier era.

Demographics of senior leadership teams
According to Korn Ferry, an international consultancy and search firm, the average age for a C-suite member is 56 and their average tenure is 4.9 years, although the numbers vary depending on the industry. The average age of a CEO across all industries is 59. If we assume that the MedTech industry mirrors this demographic, it seems reasonable to suggest that many corporations have executives approaching retirement who may be more risk averse and oppose the comprehensive introduction of AI technologies due to a fear of losing benefits they stand to receive upon retirement.

Organizational inertia and risk aversion
Large medical technology companies often have well-established structures, processes, and cultures that resist rapid change. In such an environment, executives might be hesitant to introduce AI technologies due to concerns about disrupting existing workflows, employee resistance to learning new skills, and the fear of failure. The risk-averse nature of the medical technology industry, where patient safety is critical, further amplifies executives' cautious approach to implementing unproven AI solutions.

Technical challenges and skill gaps
AI implementation requires technical expertise and resources. Many MedTech executives might lack a deep understanding of AI's technical capabilities, making it difficult for them to evaluate potential applications. Further, attracting and retaining AI talent is highly competitive, and the scarcity of professionals skilled in both medical technology and AI can hinder successful implementation.
Regulatory and ethical concerns
The medical field is heavily regulated to ensure patient safety and data privacy. Incorporating AI technologies introduces additional layers of complexity in terms of regulatory compliance and ethical considerations. Executives might hesitate to navigate these legal frameworks, fearing potential liabilities and negative consequences if AI systems are not properly controlled or if they lead to adverse patient outcomes.
Long development cycles and uncertain ROI
The R&D cycle in the medical technology industry is prolonged due to rigorous testing, clinical trials, and regulatory approvals. Although AI technologies have the capabilities to enhance R&D efficiency, they can introduce additional uncertainty and complexity, potentially extending development timelines. Executives could be apprehensive about the time and resources required to integrate AI into their R&D processes, especially if the return on investment (ROI) remains uncertain or delayed.

Industry-specific challenges
The medical technology industry has unique challenges compared to other sectors. Patient data privacy concerns, interoperability issues, and the need for rigorous clinical validation can pose barriers to AI adoption. Executives might view these complexities as additional hurdles that could hinder the successful implementation and deployment of AI solutions.

Existing Revenue Streams and Incremental Innovation
Many large, diversified MedTechs generate substantial revenue from their existing products and services. Executives might be reluctant to divert resources towards AI-based ventures, fearing that these investments could jeopardize their core revenue streams. Additionally, a culture of incremental innovation prevalent in the industry might discourage radical technological shifts like those associated with AI.

Hesitation among MedTechs to integrate AI technologies poses the threat of missed opportunities, diminished competitiveness, and sluggish growth. This reluctance hinders innovation and limits the potential for enhanced patient care. Embracing AI is not an option but a strategic imperative. Failure to do so means missing opportunities to address unmet medical needs, explore new markets, and access new revenue streams. The potential for efficiency gains, streamlined operations, and cost reductions across R&D, manufacturing and supply chains is significant. Companies fully embracing AI gain a competitive advantage, delivering innovative solutions and services that improve patient outcomes and cut healthcare costs. Conversely, those resisting AI risk losing market share to more agile rivals. AI’s impact on analysing vast amounts of complex medical data, accelerating discovery, and enhancing diagnostics is well established. MedTechs slow to leverage AI may endure prolonged R&D cycles, fewer breakthroughs, and suboptimal resource allocation, jeopardising competitiveness and branding them as ‘outdated’. In today’s environment, attracting top talent relies on being perceived as innovative, a quality lacking in AI-resistant MedTechs. As AI disrupts industries, start-ups and smaller agile players can overtake established corporations failing to adapt. A delayed embrace of AI impedes progress in patient care, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes, preventing companies from realising their full potential in shaping healthcare. The time to embrace AI is now to avoid irreversible setbacks in a rapidly evolving MedTech ecosystem.
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  • The MedTech industry has undergone a transformative journey marked by prolific mergers and acquisitions (M&A)
  • Between 2006 and 2016, the industry witnessed 2,680 acquisitions totaling US$607.8bn
  • In the pursuit of efficient integrations corporations often overlooked the significance of fostering a distinct organisational culture
  • In many cases this resulted in cultural dissonance, which is a silent but substantial obstacle to growth and value creation
  • Stories can overcome this obstacle and help to bridge gaps, align interests, and cultivate a shared sense of purpose among employees and stakeholders for long-term MedTech success
 The Silent Obstacle to MedTech Growth and Value Creation
The MedTech industry, marked by decades of prolific mergers and acquisitions (M&A), has undergone a transformative journey fuelled by factors like the pursuit of economies of scale, technological access, and navigating regulatory challenges. While strategic consolidations have yielded financial and organisational benefits, often they have inadvertently overlooked the softer facet of corporate identity - organisational culture.
Illustrating the magnitude of M&A within the industry, the decade from 2006 to 2016 witnessed 2,680 acquisitions with a value totaling US$607.8bn. Noteworthy is the consistency in the frequency of these acquisitions, juxtaposed against the variability in the consideration of individual deals.
By 2023, a notable shift occurred within the MedTech M&A landscape. The deceleration of M&A activity led to a saturation in market segments with products and services, which intensified competition for market share and exerted pressure on pricing and profit margins. As the M&A market cooled, the accessibility to cutting-edge technologies became more elusive, putting companies at a disadvantage in terms of product development and maintaining competitiveness. Simultaneously, heightened geopolitical tensions and trade restrictions further complicated supply chains and distribution channels. The constrained M&A environment raised hurdles for expanding into emerging markets, which narrowed potential growth opportunities. Integrating talent from acquired companies, a common practice in M&A, also faced challenges amid the slowdown, which impacted the ability to sustain a competitive edge in expertise and innovation. Without the efficiency gains typically associated with M&A, numerous companies encountered escalating cost pressures, which encompassed R&D costs, manufacturing expenses, and other operational outlays that adversely affected overall profitability. The heighted expectations from shareholders for consistent growth, a hallmark for large diversified MedTechs, faced added difficulties due to the deceleration of M&A activity, potentially influencing stock prices and investor confidence.
Periods of integrating acquired enterprises tend to be dominated by the pursuit of efficiency, cost savings, and regulatory compliance, which often means relegating the significance of cultivating a distinct and cohesive organisational culture. In the current landscape, where M&A activity has decelerated and corporate values have plateaued, the ramifications of this neglect are becoming increasingly evident. Some enterprises are finding themselves with fragmented cultures, which have low levels of solidarity: employees disagree about organisational objectives, critical success factors, and performance standards. This can make organisations challenging to manage, and leaders unable to affect change. Organisational culture is not simply rhetoric; it is a critical element that molds how employees perceive their roles, comprehend their company's mission, and ultimately contribute to innovation and value creation. Further, a robust and distinctive culture plays a role in attracting and retaining top talent. In an industry driven by innovation, retaining the brightest minds is important for success. When employees sense a misalignment between their personal values and the organisational culture, it can result in disengagement, increased turnover rates, and a depletion of institutional knowledge - all of which undermine long-term growth.
Consider this scenario: A MedTech company with a clear and supportive culture is well equipped to navigate the intricacies of the industry. Such an environment fosters a shared sense of purpose and identity among employees, creating a collaborative space where diverse talents can thrive. This, in turn, augments a company's capacity to adapt to industry changes, respond to emerging healthcare needs, and drive sustainable value creation.
Culture embodies community; it is the essence of how individuals connect with each other. Flourishing communities arise from shared interests, mutual obligations, and a foundation of cooperation and camaraderie. A common oversight in certain management literature concerning corporate culture is the assumption that organisations are inherently homogeneous. However, just as one organisation differs from another, so do its internal units. Consider the contrasting nature of, for instance, the R&D function compared to manufacturing within a MedTech company. Moreover, hierarchical distinctions within an enterprise add layers of diversity; the cultural dynamics of senior leadership teams may differ markedly from those of middle managers and blue-collar workers.
In the MedTech industry, where financial and organisational factors maintain their importance, a strategy that develops a distinctive organisational culture is equally important. Overlooking cultural integration presents a nuanced yet potentially significant barrier to growth and value creation. This challenge manifests itself through indicators such as disengaged employees, talent attrition, and a lack of adaptability in meeting the evolving demands of the industry. Recognizing and addressing this cultural deficit extends beyond employee satisfaction; it emerges as a strategic imperative for long-term success in the dynamic landscape of MedTech.
Further, as corporations expand globally they encounter challenges to unite and motivate their constituencies. Internationalization means transcending geographical, linguistic, cultural, and religious boundaries. Multinational corporations operate in a world where employees are from various countries, speak different languages, and possess diverse cultural backgrounds, which emphasises the significance of establishing common ground and fostering a sense of belonging. Moreover, modern organisations are linked to an array of stakeholders, including governments, patients, insurance firms, advocacy groups, and a wide spectrum of customers. These often hold distinct interests and priorities, occasionally leading to conflicts with both each other, and the organisation's objectives.
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The power of stories

In this interconnected ecosystem, a cohesive and inspiring narrative emerges as a potential remedy for dissonance. A well-crafted story has the capacity to bridge divides, align interests, and instil a collective sense of purpose among both employees and stakeholders. This, in turn, contributes to a corporation's overall success.
The impact of a unifying narrative does not confine itself to an organisation's internal boundaries. It acts as a catalyst for collective action, motivating employees, and stakeholders alike toward shared objectives. This shared story becomes the driving force behind innovation, it bolsters problem-solving capabilities, and shapes the organisation into a responsive and adaptable entity. In a world where trust, differentiation, innovation, talent attraction, stakeholder engagement, and customer loyalty wield substantial influence, a captivating narrative emerges as a positive force for a diversified MedTech company. It adeptly communicates the company's mission, values, and impact, establishing trust, distinguishing the brand, fostering innovation, attracting top talent, engaging stakeholders, and cultivating customer loyalty. Ultimately, it solidifies a company's brand identity, nurtures relationships, and fuels long-term commercial success.
The potency of an inspiring company narrative lies in its ability to weave a common thread through the diverse interests of employees, creating unity and a shared company culture. A compelling story acts as a connective tissue, transcending departmental and hierarchical boundaries, resonating universally regardless of individual roles or backgrounds. Such narratives instill a collective sense of purpose and pride, fostering a shared identity embraced by every employee. When everyone is tethered to a common story, it encourages a cohesive culture where values and goals are not just communicated but lived and upheld by each member of the organisation. This shared narrative becomes a wellspring of motivation, aligning the workforce toward a singular vision and propelling the company forward as a unified and harmonious entity.
These claims may seem exaggerated when applied to a company narrative. However, to grasp the potential impact of storytelling, let us briefly examine the realms of religion, politics, finance, and the women’s movement. All these domains are predicated upon narratives that not only inspire and motivate diverse groups of individuals but also make them reshape their lives and dedicate their time and energy to the causes these narratives portray.

Religion plays an important part in the spiritual lives of billions of people around the world. Religious stories hold a significant influence over the beliefs and practices of faith communities, providing them with a sense of meaning and purpose. The potency of a narrative's impact is exemplified in the case of Jerusalem, a city that embodies the enduring power of stories.
For Jews, Jerusalem is a testament to the divine intervention of their narrative, where God commanded Abraham not to sacrifice his son Isaac. For Christians, Jerusalem holds multifaceted significance across various church factions, but it universally marks the hallowed ground where Jesus Christ delivered his teachings and shared the Last Supper with his disciples before his crucifixion. Similarly, for Muslims, Jerusalem bears importance as the place where the Prophet Mohammad started his mission and experienced a divine vision.
What is striking about these narratives is that they have endured through centuries, despite the absence of any scientific evidence, relying on the power of spiritual belief. This emphasises the influence of storytelling. People hold these stories dear to their hearts, embracing them with unwavering faith. Such narratives have the power to shape cultures, societies, and even geopolitical landscapes. The enduring power of religious narratives, like those surrounding Jerusalem, teaches us that stories are more than tales, but the scaffolding upon which belief systems are constructed, and they have the potential to move nations and shape destinies.

Consider politics. Political ideologies are founded upon stories that individuals hold so firmly that they are prepared to resolutely defend their convictions, even at the cost of armed conflict. These ideologies shape the governance, policies, and destinies of nations, and their power lies in the stories they tell.
Consider democracy, for instance. It is a powerful narrative that extols the virtues of power vested in the hands of the people or their elected representatives. Democracy's story emphasizes principles of equality, individual rights, and the regular exercise of those rights through elections. It speaks to the idea that citizens should actively participate in shaping their government and society through voting and civic engagement. This narrative has led people to fight for democratic values, even in the face of oppressive regimes, as they believe in the story of democracy's inherent worth.
Socialism is another political ideology grounded in a compelling narrative. It advocates for collective or state ownership and control of the means of production, distribution, and exchange. The story of socialism centres on reducing economic inequality and ensuring that resources and wealth are more equitably distributed among society's members. This narrative has inspired revolutions, social movements, and political changes across the world, as believers are motivated by the story of a fairer and more just society.
In contrast, authoritarian states are political systems characterised by centralised power and limited political freedoms. They too are predicated on stories. Such states often feature a single leader or a small group of individuals with substantial control over the government, little or no opposition, restricted civil liberties, and limited or no free elections. They prioritize order and control over individual rights and freedoms, often relying on censorship, propaganda, and coercion to maintain their authority. Despite its repressive nature, it has garnered fervent adherents who are willing to defend their vision of a disciplined and ordered society, sometimes at great human cost.
These political narratives are strong forces that shape the world we live in. They are stories that compel people to action, and at times, to support and engage in conflict. Understanding the power of these narratives is essential for comprehending the dynamics of political movements, governance, and global affairs. It emphasises that the stories we believe in are not just words; they are forces capable of reshaping societies and history itself.

Money, in its essence, is a symbol devoid of inherent value. Take a $100 bill, for instance. It possesses no intrinsic worth; you cannot eat it, clothe yourself with it, or find shelter beneath its folds. In today's digital age, most monetary transactions occur virtually, further emphasizing that money is not a tangible commodity but a representation of value. What makes money intriguing is that its value is predicated upon a story, a narrative that commands the largest following worldwide, surpassing the collective adherents of all religions combined. Money, in essence, is a story with believers numbering billions.
This narrative begins with the idea that a particular piece of paper or digital entry holds value. It is a shared belief system, one upheld by individuals, corporations, and governments across the globe. This shared belief is what allows us to exchange money for goods, services, and even intangible assets like trust or promise. Consider the notion of a banknote. Its value exists because we believe in the authority and stability of the issuing government or institution. It is a mutual understanding that a piece of paper, despite its lack of intrinsic value, can be exchanged for something tangible or intangible in the real world.
This shared belief in money's value creates a complex web of economic interactions and relationships. It fuels trade, investment, and economic growth. It enables people to plan, save for retirement, and invest in education and healthcare. Money, as a story, is a unifying force in the modern world, transcending borders, cultures, and languages. Yet, like all narratives, money is not without its challenges and contradictions. Economic disparities, financial crises, and questions about the fairness of wealth distribution persist. But the fact remains that money, as a story, is a force of unparalleled influence, guiding the decisions and actions of individuals and nations alike. In a world where the value of money is woven into the fabric of society, it becomes clear that its true worth lies not in the physical notes or digital records but in the collective trust and beliefs that sustain this narrative. Money, in the end, is a story that shapes our lives, economies, and the world at large.
Women’s movement

The women's movement is a testament to the power and influence of a story about equality. Over decades, this movement has enhanced the status of women worldwide. What makes this narrative particularly interesting is that, unlike the stories underpinning religion, politics, and money, the pursuit of women's rights has largely been achieved through peaceful means, which is a testament to the millions of people around the world who embraced the story that activists told.
The narrative of the women's movement is simple: equality. It tells a story of a world where women and men stand on equal footings, where gender should not be a barrier to opportunities, rights, or dignity. This story resonated with countless individuals who recognized the inherent justice in this vision. The power of this story lies in its ability to inspire action. It mobilized women and men from all walks of life to come together and advocate for change. Grassroots activists, iconic leaders, and ordinary citizens joined forces, fuelled by the belief in the story's inherent truth. They organised rallies, signed petitions, and engaged in peaceful demonstrations, all with the goal of dismantling systemic inequalities and securing equal rights for women.
What sets the women's movement apart from many other stories that shape our world is its peaceful nature. While religious, political, and economic narratives have often been associated with conflict and violence, the women's movement has predominantly relied on peaceful activism and advocacy. This nonviolent approach has garnered widespread support and sympathy from people of diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.
The influence of this narrative has been significant. It has led to legal and societal changes, from suffrage and reproductive rights to workplace equality and gender representation in leadership roles. Women's rights have advanced on a global scale, improving the lives of millions. The women's movement is a powerful example of how a story can shape the world when embraced by a collective of individuals who believe in its message. It demonstrates that narratives grounded in principles of justice and equality can bring about transformative change, even without resorting to violence. The women's movement serves as a reminder that stories have the power to move societies and bend the arc of history toward progress and justice.

The MedTech industry's journey through decades of M&A activity has been a transformative one, marked by the pursuit of economies of scale, technological access, and regulatory mastery. The resulting financial and organisational benefits, however, have inadvertently overlooked a critical aspect: organisational culture. The magnitude of M&A activity, exemplified by 2,680 acquisitions totaling US$607.8bn between 2006 to 2016, showcases both consistency and variability in deal considerations. As we fast forward to 2023, global uncertainties prompted a recalibration of strategic initiatives, especially as MedTech companies aimed for operational scaling and global expansion. The challenges of uniting diverse constituencies in an internationalized context - spanning geographical, linguistic, cultural, and religious boundaries – emphasized the importance of establishing common ground and fostering a sense of belonging. The consequences of prioritizing efficiency and not cultivating a cohesive organisational culture during the integration of acquired enterprises has become increasingly apparent. Some companies find themselves with fragmented cultures, marked by low solidarity and disagreements about organisational objectives. This cultural deficit makes organisations challenging to manage, and leaders often feel powerless to effect change. In the MedTech sector, where collaboration and creativity are important for healthcare breakthroughs, cultural dissonance poses a significant risk. A robust and distinctive culture, however, is instrumental in attracting and retaining top talent, which is essential for success in an innovation-driven industry. A MedTech with a clear and supportive culture is better equipped to navigate industry intricacies, respond to emerging healthcare needs, and drive sustainable value creation.
This Commentary suggests that culture is community: a network of shared interests and obligations that thrive on cooperation and friendships. Acknowledging the heterogeneity within organisations is crucial, recognizing differences across departments and hierarchical levels. While financial and organisational considerations are critical, an approach encouraging a distinctive organisational culture is equally important. Neglecting cultural integration poses a silent yet substantial obstacle to growth and value creation - a challenge manifested through disengaged employees, talent attrition, and a lack of agility in meeting industry demands. Recognizing and redressing this cultural deficit transcends employee satisfaction; it emerges as a strategic imperative for long-term success in the dynamic landscape of MedTechs. As MedTech companies expand globally, the challenges to unite and motivate constituencies intensify. We have suggested that within this interconnected ecosystem, a unifying and motivating narrative emerges as a potential solution. A well-crafted story has the power to bridge gaps, align interests, and cultivate a shared sense of purpose among employees and stakeholders alike, contributing to a company’s success. The influence of a unifying narrative extends beyond an organisation's boundaries, serving as an inspiration for collective action. This shared story fuels innovation, enhances problem-solving, and transforms an organisation into a responsive and adaptable entity. In a world where trust, differentiation, innovation, talent attraction, stakeholder engagement, and customer loyalty are important, a captivating narrative becomes a positive contribution to the success of a diversified MedTech company. In the grand scheme of human endeavours, the power of stories seems undeniable. Whether in religion, politics, finance, or the women's movement, it is through stories that movements are built and legacies are shaped. Thus, for MedTechs to overcome the silent obstacle to growth and value creation, they might consider harnessing the power of narratives to fortify their brand identities, nurture relationships, and fuel long-term commercial success.
view in full page
  • GE HealthCare, Siemens Healthineers, and Philips Healthcare entered the Chinese market in the 1980s and prospered
  • The once-booming era for Western MedTechs in China has slowed and become challenging
  • Latecomers to the Chinese MedTech market face geopolitical uncertainty, changing market dynamics, domestic competition, stringent regulations, IP risks, and healthcare reforms
  • Due to these obstacles and the Chinese’s economy slowing MedTechs are seeking international growth opportunities beyond China and Asia
  • Africa is emerging as the new frontier driven by its burgeoning population, growing middleclass, economic growth, abundant natural resources, and Beijing’s investement
  • MedTech pioneers in China, such as GE HealthCare, Siemens Healthineers, and Philips Healthcare, are early entrants in the African market
  • Prudential plc, an insurance giant, has made a vast strategic bet on Africa’s growth potential
  • Given insurers are healthcare payers, should MedTechs view Africa as the new Asia?
Is Africa the New Asia for Western MedTechs?


In the realm of international expansion for Western MedTech companies, Asia, particularly China, has historically been a key focus due to its vast size and rapid economic growth. However, the shifting global economic and geopolitical landscape suggests a re-evaluation. Is Africa positioned to emerge as the next hub of opportunity and growth for MedTech enterprises? China's remarkable economic ascent, initiated by reforms in 1978, accelerated it to the status of the world's second-largest economy, following the US. Western MedTechs that ventured into China's market in the 1980s prospered. Yet, those who hesitated due to concerns, including intellectual property (IP) theft, now face mounting challenges, which include geopolitical uncertainties, evolving Chinese attitudes towards Western corporations, a limited understanding of the Chinese market, and China's ambition to lead global technology by 2030. The recent deceleration in China's economic growth adds to the apprehensions of Western businesses. Moreover, China's rapid economic expansion has led to an aging population, characterized by declining birth rates, and increased life expectancy. By 2040, those aged ≥60 are projected to reach ~402m, constituting ~28% of the nation’s population. This demographic shift, with a shrinking workforce and a rising number of elderly consumers, is expected to exert downward pressure on China’s GDP growth, while straining public budgets with escalating healthcare and retirement costs. Given this evolving landscape, it becomes prudent to explore whether the once-promising prospects for Western companies in China and Asia are diminishing, prompting an examination of alternative international markets. While established MedTech players in China continue to provide essential healthcare products and services, they may benefit from contemplating strategic adjustments and, in many cases, restructuring their commercial operations to adapt to the changing dynamics of the Chinese market. Notably, some companies view Africa as a promising new frontier. Early entrants into the Asian medical device market, such as GE HealthCare, Siemens Healthineers, and Philips Healthcare, have already established footholds in Africa. Could Africa be on the verge of becoming the new frontier, reminiscent of what Asia once represented?
In this Commentary

This Commentary is divided into two sections. In Section 1, we briefly mention the early successes of prominent MedTech companies in the Chinese market during the 1980s. The section also notes that because geopolitical tensions between Beijing and Washington have increased, and recently China's economic growth has slowed, some Western MedTechs are seeking alternative growth regions to expand their international presence and reinvigorate their stagnant market values. Section 2 challenges popular perceptions by proposing that Africa could emerge as the new frontier for the MedTech industry. Despite Africa's enduring challenges, including political instability, corruption, poverty, and limited literacy, it seems to have potential. Albeit from a low start, Africa is projected to be the world's fastest-growing region in 2023, characterized by a youthful population, abundant natural resources crucial for renewable technologies, and an emerging middleclass. Decades ago, Beijing recognized Africa's potential, and more recently, a group of MedTechs, including early entrants to China, have established a presence in the African market. The section concludes by noting the strategic entry of a giant insurance company into the continent. Given the role insurers play in healthcare expansion and the demand for medical technology this maybe a positive omen for the MedTech industry, with Africa as its new frontier.

Part 1
MedTech pioneers in China

In the 1980s, as China underwent transformative economic reforms under President Deng Xiaoping, several Western MedTechs, including GE HealthCare, Siemens Healthineers, and Philips Healthcare, entered China, and capitalized on the nation's economic growth and modernization over the ensuing decades. GE HealthCare, equipped with medical imaging devices and healthcare solutions, forged relationships with Chinese hospitals and research institutions. Siemens Healthineers, a leader in imaging and laboratory diagnostics, followed suit in the late 1980s, emphasizing local R&D and strategic partnerships with Chinese healthcare providers. Philips Healthcare, with its diverse range of patient monitoring systems and diagnostic imaging equipment, also made its mark.

These companies showed their ability to adapt and succeed by adjusting their products to fit the needs of local customers and by encouraging new ideas through partnerships. Initially, they embraced expansion-type business models with multiply marketing and sales tiers, which emphasized rapid growth over stringent financial discipline. The plan worked well because China's medical technology sector was thriving, and experienced annual growth rates of ~10 to ~15% during the first two decades of the 21st century. However, since then, things have changed. Now, the focus is on making operations smoother and more efficient, which has meant reducing the number of marketing and sales layers between enterprises and their principal customers.
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Learn from the Chinese, but don’t misjudge Beijing

"When you fail to reach your goals don’t adjust your goals, adjust your action"

Recent Western MedTech entrants, attracted by the vast Chinese market, faced heightened scrutiny and regulatory obstacles. Their limited knowledge of local markets and different administrations hindered their growth, which was compounded by concerns about safeguarding their IP. Meanwhile, Chinese MedTech firms rapidly advanced, increasing competition for Western latecomers. As of December 2022, the number of Chinese medical device companies amounted to 32,632. The once-lucrative "gold rush" in China for Western MedTechs has faded due to shifting sentiments, regulatory hurdles, and local competition. As China pursues global technological leadership by 2030, Western firms are likely to encounter mounting challenges. To sustain international expansion, they should consider exploring alternative global markets where they can leverage their expertise and resources more effectively. This suggests a turning point, highlighting the need for strategic diversification and adaptation to evolving global dynamics in the MedTech industry.
Headwinds for MedTechs expanding in China

Here we describe some of the headwinds facing Western MedTechs attempting to increase their footprints in the Chinese market.

Geopolitical Uncertainty
Ongoing geopolitical tensions, such the political status of Taiwan, which Beijing claims is a province of the People's Republic of China, whereas Taiwan’s current Tsai Ing-wen administration maintains it is an independent country, and South China Sea disputes, which involve conflicting island and maritime claims by China, Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Vietnam. These and other geopolitical uncertainties pose risks, particularly for late entrants to the Chinese market. However, despite these tensions, US-China trade remains strong, but doing business in China has become increasingly challenging.

Changed Market Dynamics
China's healthcare landscape has evolved driven by the largest middleclass cohort in the world. Beijing has increased healthcare spending, which has intensified competition in the MedTech sector. Trade conflicts between the US and China add complexity to market dynamics. Relationships between the two countries deteriorated in January 2018, when American President Donald Trump began setting tariffs and other trade barriers on China. The objective was to force Beijing to make changes to what the US says are longstanding unfair trade practices and IP theft. A recent example of such tensions occurred in September 2023, during a visit to China by US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo, who oversees regulating technology. The Chinese tech giant Huawei chose this time to release its new smartphone, powered by an advanced chip. This shocked American industry experts who could not understand how Huawei could have obtained such an advanced chip following efforts by the US to restrict China’s access to foreign chip technology.

Domestic Competition
Chinese MedTech companies (>32,000) have rapidly gained market share, technical sophistication, and innovation capacity. They understand local customer needs and regulations better, posing increasing competition for Western counterparts. In 2021, China’s 134 listed MedTech companies generated US$44bn in revenues, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 36% since 2019, ~3X the market’s overall rate of growth. More than five Chinese MedTechs have obtained the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) breakthrough designation, with innovations like the VenusP-Valve, which has already been approved in >30 countries, and in April 2022, secured EU’s CE marking under its Medical Devices Regulation (MDR). This suggests that Western corporations will not only encounter heightened domestic competition but are likely to face increasing competition from Chinese MedTechs in the global arena.

Regulatory challenges
Regulatory hurdles in China pose challenges for Western MedTechs. Adherence to regulations, standards, and compliance measures, often different from Western counterparts, necessitates an in-depth understanding and adaptation. Central to China's regulatory framework is the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA), which is akin to the FDA. It prioritizes safety, efficacy, and quality in evaluating medical device registrations for market entry. While global acceptance of real-world evidence (RWE) in healthcare is rising, China is in the early stages of embracing the concept. Notably, a 2020 NMPA draft guideline hinted at the potential utilization of RWE from Boao Lecheng. Situated in Hainan, an island province in the nation’s southernmost point, Boao Lecheng has become a medical innovation hub, focusing on technology, high-quality healthcare, and medical tourism. It actively promotes advanced clinical research, housing globally recognized medical institutions like the Raffles Medical Group and Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH). The collaboration between Western MedTechs and initiatives like Boao Lecheng holds promise in tackling China's regulatory complexities.

Intellectual property (IP) risks
Protecting IP is a concern for Western MedTechs in China. Enforcing IP rights can be challenging due to factors like judicial protectionism, evidence gathering obstacles, modest damage awards, and perceived foreign bias. China follows a "first-to-file" principle for IP registration, granting ownership to the first registrant. Foreign companies also face pressure from government and state-owned enterprises to transfer technology for market access, investment opportunities, or approvals. Some are compelled to license technology at below-market rates. Despite China's efforts to enhance IP protection, concerns persist. Corporations need to balance IP protection with local engagement and government cooperation to navigate China's complex IP landscape effectively.

Healthcare reforms
China's healthcare system has undergone a significant transformation driven by various factors, including increasing incomes, heightened health awareness among its citizens, and a rapidly aging demographic. The government has placed substantial emphasis on healthcare, as evidenced by its ambitious goals outlined in the Healthy China 2030 plan. This plan envisions the nation's healthcare market reaching a value of ~RMB16trn (~US$2.4trn) by 2030. China's dedication to enhancing healthcare is underscored by the establishment of a comprehensive health insurance system that now provides coverage to ~96% of the population, benefiting >1.36bn individuals. According to a 2023 McKinsey Report, China's MedTech sector, which was valued at ~US$70bn in 2021, is poised to potentially double in size by 2030. Such growth would elevate China's MedTech market share to ~20% of the global market. To thrive in this burgeoning market, enterprises must be agile in adapting to changes, forge strategic partnerships, and effectively navigate the evolving healthcare landscape.

Navigating China’s Diversity
Succeeding in the Chinese market hinges on effective communication and a deep understanding of Chinese culture. China's administrative divisions include 23 provinces, five autonomous regions (Inner Mongolia, Guangxi, Tibet, Ningxia, and Xinjiang), four municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Chongqing), and two Special Administrative Regions (Hong Kong and Macao). Furthermore, China boasts 129 dialects, with Mandarin as the standard and Chaoshan as predominant in the Guangdong region. Given this diversity, Western MedTech companies often grapple with cultural and linguistic barriers. Establishing vital connections within China's intricate administrative and business landscape can prove challenging. Therefore, crafting effective market entry and expansion strategies is imperative. Chinese consumers have preferences and expectations when it comes to medical technology. Western companies must be ready to adapt their offerings to align with these preferences, a critical factor in gaining market acceptance. Failing to do so can hinder market penetration and long-term success.
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Data Privacy and Security Concerns
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Reassessing global strategies amid China's economic slowdown

China, as the world's second-largest economy, has been a pivotal market for major Western MedTech companies. However, the current economic climate calls for a strategic re-evaluation. China's economy has recently experienced a slowdown, with repercussions felt not only in neighbouring nations but also globally. South Korea, a historical driver of global growth, faces its longest factory activity decline in nearly two decades. Other major Asian exporters are also dealing with sluggish demand, and Japan's manufacturing activity has declined, with Taiwan reporting contracting output and weakened foreign demand. In September 2023, concerns grew as China experienced deflation, raising questions about currency stability, challenges in the property sector, and high local government debt. China's decision to not stimulate its economy further exacerbated the situation, impacting key financial hubs like Hong Kong and Singapore, as well as satellite economies. This economic slowdown in China is expected to persist and likely have far-reaching global consequences. Businesses worldwide, including those in the US and Europe, heavily reliant on China for growth, should explore alternative regions for sustainable value and expansion. Western MedTech companies need to carefully assess the challenges and costs associated with further expansion in China.

An alternative strategy emerges; companies should consider complementing their Asian focus and explore the growing economies of Africa. Just as early MedTech pioneers capitalized on Asia's rapid expansion, companies today should contemplate laying the groundwork for a fresh international strategy in Africa. The continent has potential, and a proactive approach could yield sustainable growth opportunities, helping to mitigate the impact of China's economic challenges and slowdown on global ambitions.

Part 2
Africa's Ascendance

With a few notable exceptions, Western MedTech executives tend to overlook Africa due to its challenging socio-economic conditions, which include political instability, corruption, extreme poverty affecting ~50% of the population, limited access to necessities, and a high illiteracy rate of ~40%. Notwithstanding, China has long recognized Africa's potential, which mainly revolves around Africa's abundant natural resources, which constitute ~30% of the world's mineral reserves, including critical resources for renewable and low-carbon technologies. For instance, Zambia leads in unrefined copper exports, Guinea boasts the world's largest bauxite reserves, and South Africa contributes ~90% of the world’s platinum group metal reserves. Furthermore, Africa has the world's youngest population, with substantial projected growth.
Asia plays a pivotal role in Africa's trade dynamics, accounting for >42% of its exports and >45% of its imports, surpassing Europe in both cases. According to a 2023, Business Insider Report, Africa is poised to become the world's fastest-growing region, with six of the ten fastest-growing economies located on the continent, albeit starting from a relatively low economic base. In addition to its mineral wealth, the continent's path to economic success is partly based on developing an export-led manufacturing economy, akin to China's transformation in the 1980s. This, already in progress, has the potential to lift >0.5bn people out of poverty, create >100m jobs, and establish a substantial and rapidly growing middleclass that will demand improved services, including healthcare.
Currently, Africa's manufacturing sector contributes only ~9% to the continent's gross domestic product (GDP) and ~2% to global manufacturing output. However, the African Union has placed manufacturing at the forefront of its Agenda 2063, a strategic framework supported by all 55 African countries, aimed at achieving socio-economic transformation over the next 50 years. This commitment gains significance amid escalating trade tensions between the US and China, which have global economic implications. Africa has weathered recent shocks, including weakened external demand, global inflation, higher borrowing costs, and adverse weather events, which have hindered its post-pandemic recovery. Nonetheless, in the coming decades, the "Made in Africa" label may come to symbolize quality products, solidifying the continent's position as a prominent player in global manufacturing, akin to how "Made in China" became synonymous with quality two decades ago.
China’s impact on African manufacturing

China has been instrumental in the economic transformation of African nations, which partly stems from the Chinese strategy to relocate its low-level manufacturing operations to Africa. As China's domestic manufacturers have advanced technically, they have systematically shifted their basic manufacturing capabilities to African countries. This provides Africa with an opportunity to mirror China's journey from standard manufacturing to advanced production processes over several decades.
Chinese companies have made substantial investments in labour-intensive manufacturing facilities notably in Ethiopia. This has created jobs and fueled the growth of local manufacturing sectors. For instance, the Huajian Group, a leading Chinese footwear manufacturer, established plants in Ethiopia in 2012, employing >7,000 people and producing ~5m shoes annually. The Group’s partner in this project is the China-Africa Development Fund (CADFund), a private equity facility promoting Chinese investment in the continent. Huajian also invested in Ethiopia's Jimma industrial park, contributing US$100m to build shoe and coffee processing plants and a technical education centre.
As Chinese enterprises expanded in Africa, they provided training to local workforces, and transferred their manufacturing expertise. This collaborative effort is helping to develop a skilled labour pool important for sustaining manufacturing growth. Notably, Ethiopia's Eastern Industrial Zone, supported by Chinese investment, evolved into a thriving manufacturing hub, attracting both domestic and foreign investors. Additionally, Beijing's Belt and Road Initiative has led to significant infrastructure developments across Africa, including roads and ports, which further stimulate the continent's manufacturing sector. China’s investment in Africa stands out due to its tangible presence, in contrast to other nations whose involvement in the continent is characterized by distant and arms-length financial engagements. With the influx of such investments, technology transfers, and ongoing skill development, some African nations are positioned to follow China's path towards a manufacturing transformation. 
MedTech’s early entrants to the African market

For years, support for Africa’s healthcare tended to concentrate on education and malaria nets. In recent years however, as developed-world disorders, like cancer and heart disease, grew in Africa so medical technology companies increasingly found a market in supplying devices to private healthcare operators and investing in healthcare initiatives through partnerships with governments. US President George W. Bush recognised Africa’s strategic importance, emphasising investments for development and health initiatives, including the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), which, announced in 2003, reflected a commitment to fostering stability and wellbeing on the continent. Since then, American governments have not shown much interest in Africa. However, the MedTechs that entered the Chinese market ~4 decades ago and prospered, have established footprints in the African market by adapting their products and services to local needs, building partnerships with local healthcare providers, and addressing challenges such as infrastructure limitations and affordability. Their presence caters to Africa’s large and growing middleclass and has contributed to the improvement of healthcare standards in the region.
Philips Healthcare has made inroads into the African market and operates in several African countries, including South Africa, Kenya, and Nigeria. One of the advantages they offer is a wide range of medical devices and equipment tailored to different healthcare settings, from high-end hospitals to remote clinics. Their focus on technology that can operate efficiently even in areas with unreliable power grids has been instrumental in their success. GE HealthCare has a presence in countries like South Africa, Nigeria, and Egypt. Their commercial advantage is in their commitment to providing innovative medical technologies across various healthcare domains, from diagnostic imaging to healthcare IT solutions. The company collaborates with local healthcare providers and governments to build sustainable healthcare infrastructures. Siemens Healthineers is active in South Africa, Kenya, and Ghana. The company’s advantage stems from their portfolio of medical equipment, laboratory diagnostics, and digital health solutions. They often tailor their offerings to meet the specific needs and budgets of healthcare providers in Africa, contributing to improved patient care and diagnostic accuracy.
Unveiling MedTech opportunities: the impact of insurers

Large insurance firms wield significant influence in shaping the trajectory of the medical technology industry. They play a pivotal role in extending health insurance coverage to middle-class populations worldwide, not only bolstering healthcare systems but also driving the demand for medical technology. In essence, these insurance giants act as catalysts for the MedTech industry's growth.
A case in point is Prudential plc., a global insurance powerhouse with >23,000 employees and 2021 annual revenues of >US$70bn. The company holds dual listings on the London and Hong Kong Stock Exchanges and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. It also maintains secondary listings on the New York Stock Exchange and the Singapore Exchange. In February 2023, shortly after Anil Wadhwani assumed the role of Prudential's new CEO, he publicly declared his intent to chart a new course and focus on Africa for growth. Wadhwani highlighted that the growth drivers in Africa today closely resemble the trends previously witnessed by the company in Asia: rapidly expanding middle-class populations with a growing appetite for insurance and enhanced services, including healthcare. He emphasized that Africa would complement Prudential's expanding Asian presence. IMF's 2023 reports indicate that countries such as South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, Côte d'Ivoire, and Rwanda are prime candidates for substantial future growth. It is increasingly plausible that Africa could emerge as the next frontier for MedTech companies, thanks to the leadership of individuals like Anil Wadhwani, who steer insurance giants toward new horizons.

In recent years, Western MedTechs have witnessed a significant transformation in China's healthcare landscape, driven by changing demographics and an increased emphasis on technological self-reliance. Notably, industry giants such as GE HealthCare, Siemens Healthineers, and Philips Healthcare, which established a presence in China during the 1980s, are now extending their reach into Africa with hopes of replicating their prior successes. While some may view this expansion as unconventional due to factors like political instability, corruption, and poverty, the continent has potential. Africa's attraction for MedTechs includes some of its countries with significant economic growth potential, a burgeoning youthful population, a growing middleclass, and abundant natural resources that align with the evolving demands of a rapidly expanding global green economy. Much like the historical pattern of MedTech companies venturing into Asia, a similar trend is emerging in Africa among a select group of firms. Another critical point to consider is the emerging role of insurance companies as potential guides in this new journey. These insurers are participating in the continent’s healthcare expansion and innovation, and where they lead, MedTech companies should consider following. The growing middleclass, equipped with medical insurance, will eventually exert pressure on healthcare systems in the region to enhance access to quality care. This, in turn, will expand the market for medical devices. Despite the complexities and contradictions that Africa presents, it represents an opportunity that warrants consideration. The question of whether Africa will become the new Asia suggests the need for MedTechs to embrace a new era where innovation and progress thrive on the courage to venture beyond the familiar. By doing so, corporations can discover a promising landscape for growth and innovation, tapping into Africa’s underserved opportunities and playing a role in enhancing global healthcare.
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